Mental Imagery Is The Super Secret Tip To Gain Muscle Mass


In any kind of sport mental imagery has to be used in order for the athlete to get the best out of their training, and eventually from that they will become successful. The athletes which get the fastest progress and eventually become the best in the world use mental imagery. Don't believe me, look at Arnold Schwarzenegger his extensive use of mental imagery led him to become the best bodybuilder in the world, actor and eventually governor of the state of California. To gain muscle mass fast you have to use imagination because doing that extra rep or set will make you grow, you just have to imagine it.

How To Do It:

Let's say you are doing dumbbell curls to make your biceps bigger, before doing your set you have to use mental imagery. Imagine your biceps as huge mountains with huge peaks, valleys and rivers flowing thorough it and with every single squeeze and rep those peaks, valleys and rivers grow bigger and bigger. You might think that using mental imagery is stupid, but without it your workouts will be empty. Without mental imagery you will not be able to progress each gym workout. Without mental imagery you will just be the average man or woman in the gym not progressing in terms of muscle growth, fat loss and so on.

P.S, below I will list what the mountains, valleys, peaks and rivers actually mean to me when I do any kind of bicep exercise.

Mountains: Represents the sheer rugged mass of my biceps.

Valleys: Represents the lean mass of my biceps and every single strand of the muscle fiber.

Peaks: Represents the massive peak of my biceps.

Rivers: Represents the veins on my biceps, they should be overflowing with blood and should be able to burst any minute.

Tom Platz Story:

Tom Platz is a man of his time, he was known to have massive legs due to his high intensity training and imagination which he used during training. For example, Tom used to wear high socks to trick his mind into thinking that his legs are shorter than they were. He also visualized his body as a piston, it should be straight and it should not clank and move around when he did squats. You see with his awesome mental imagery he was able to build the biggest legs in bodybuilding history. You too can also do the same, but you have to imagine it, don't give up!

Also check out my website for the latest no rubbish advice on bodybuilding http://nobullshitbodybuilding.wordpress.com. Thank you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Petar_Aki

How to Properly Gain Muscle Mass the Right Way

A lot of men want to know just how to get muscles, the problem is however that most men don't know how to go about building muscle the proper way. After long hard workouts in the gym, 5 days a week, they still do not see the gains they want to see. Often times this is when men get discouraged and can't seem to figure out just what is going wrong in their workout plan. Well, in this article, I'm going to take a look at some of the major problems that cause men not to be able to gain muscle mass.


This is probably the biggest issue when it comes to men not being able to put on muscle mass, they over-train. Over-training is just what it sounds like, working muscles so much they don't grow because they don't have time to repair and recover. In the gym, the key is to just stimulate the muscle and then allow the muscle proper time to recuperate and grow. That is why I suggest working muscle groups 1 time per week. A full weight workout at the gym should not take longer than 50 minutes. Anything over 50 minutes and you are really just getting into the area of over-training.

So just what should you be doing in the gym? Well in a nutshell, to gain muscle, 4 exercises per body part works great. Two warm up sets with 12 to 15 reps, two heavy sets with 6 to 8 reps and then on to the next exercise. Remember, if you are not burning between reps 6 to 8, you need to go up in weight.

Diet and Nutrition

Here's another huge area where a lot of men fail, with diet and nutrition. In order to grow properly, men you are going to have to take in some serious calories so your body can repair and grow. When you work out you are burning calories and you need to put more calories back into your body in order to repair and well you guessed it, grow!

I suggest eating 5 to 6 meals a day and adding a quality whey isolate protein supplement. So here's how you do it, if you weigh 100 pounds, you want to multiply 100 by 1.5. This gives you 150. This is the number of grams of protein you want every day. So now you divide 150 by 5 to give you 30 and that is how many grams of protein you want per meal. Do this same calculation for carbohydrates but using the number 2. So in other words, if you weight 100, you are going to be eating 200 grams of carbohydrates per day.

If you continue to eat consistently and take in the proper amount of calories, and the right calories like protein and complex carbs, you won't have any other choice but to grow muscle mass!


Here's a huge problem that we all tend to have with everything we try to do, consistency. In order to really grow muscle mass and make significant gains, you are going to need to stay consistent. This means no skipping workouts and no skipping meals. When you skip workouts and skip meals you can definitely expect to not see any significant gains. The key to gaining muscle mass is consistently doing a number of things over and over.

Check out the answer to the question of, " How to get muscles [http://www.thehealthnutonline.net/how-to-get-muscles.html]?" Take a look at the workout plan that took me from 120 to 200 pounds! This workout will help you definitely gain muscle mass [http://www.thehealthnutonline.net/build-muscle-mass.shtml] the right way!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elvis_Jackson_Jr.

Build Muscle Mass And Raw Power Like A Gorilla

Ever see a gorilla? They're huge. A gorilla's upper-body strength is so great, he could literally tear your head off with his bare hands.

But gorillas don't go to the gym and work out, right? So you're probably asking yourself what this has to do with building muscle mass. Maybe you think just because they are the strongest primate, that doesn't mean you can learn anything from them.

Here's the thing...

If you want to look strong as well as be strong, it pays to work out like a gorilla. Because they get huge just by going about their daily business. They must be doing something right.

They are doing something right, and I'll tell you what it is.

Gorillas spend all day either walking around on their hands and feet, or climbing. In fact, they split their time equally between the ground and the trees. And this is the secret to their muscle building success.

When they are gorilla-walking on the ground, they support a lot of their weight with the arms. This is a pushing movement similar to push-ups and dips. Doing this all day long really builds the muscle mass in the chest, shoulders, and the back of the arms.

Now, you've never seen a gorilla doing a bench press. All they do is push their weight around as they walk through the jungle. But it works; they build muscle mass that would put a strongman to shame.

The secret is high repetitions, just like if you were to do easy sets of push-ups all throughout the day. No need to do a huge set until you are so fatigued you can't more your arms. If you do smaller sets all day long, you won't get overly tired, but your muscles will grow.

But wait, they do more than just walk around. Gorillas climb up into the canopy too. And this climbing is the other secret that explains why their muscles are large and powerful.

Climbing works the back and the biceps. But just because you don't live in the jungle doesn't mean you can't use this style of exercise to build your own lats and biceps until they're much larger and more powerful than they are now.

Pull-ups simulate the climbing motion, and since there are so many different variations you can do, you'll hit your back and biceps from different angles so they never develop any weak spots.

And there you have it. It's this combination of pushing and pulling exercises for the upper body that will make you more powerful and capable that anyone who wastes his time with biceps curls or other non-functional exercises. Gorillas make it work, and so can you.

All you need is a minute to drop and do a set of push-ups, and a place to bang out a quick set of pull-ups. No need to go all crazy and work until your arms fall off. If you do quick, easy sets all throughout the day, you'll work up to the point where you have unbelievable work capacity and serious, bone-crunching power, just like our jungle-dwelling cousins.

Here's my best advice to you: get a doorway pullup bar and pop it into a doorway in your house. Use it every time you pass through that door. No need to tire yourself out, in a few weeks or months you'll have plenty of muscle mass. Check out chinning bars for pull-up tips and techniques.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Urville

Build Muscle Mass Fast - How to Gain Muscles Fast and Safe

Contrary with popular opinion as so many experts say you should build your muscle slowly otherwise you will get injury; there is a safe way to build muscle mass fast safely. Having big muscle mass can benefit you a lot such as increased self confidence and increased self immune system. Not to mention, muscles are active fat burners and can help you lose weight fast.

1. Proper Diet

In order to build muscle fast the first thing you want to do is having proper balanced diet on hands. Your diet must contain a balanced composition between protein, vitamin, carbohydrate, mineral, salt, fat and water.

The example of foods rich in protein are poultry, fish, beef, pork, lamb and lean meat, it is important to rotate your food selection everyday so your body will not get bored and this ensure high absorption rate still in place. Don't forget to include vegetables and cereals in your overall diet plan, and drink a lot of water.

2. Fat

Many experts in muscle building will suggest staying away from fat. Excluding fat may help increase your muscle mass for years, but if you want to quickly build your muscle mass you should include fat. Eat in a pre-determined time frame such as during breakfast and after workout.

3. The Principle Of Building Muscle

The principle to build muscle fast is easy the calories you put into your body must be more than your body takes to perform your daily activities. Consuming whey protein is one of the most effective ways you can make sure the calories you take always more than out.

Consume the whey protein before and after workout. Before workout the whey protein will give necessary energy to do workout. Meanwhile after the period of workout, whey protein will give you necessary component to build your muscle.

Also combining some of these; amino acids, glutamine, and creatine can help streamline your muscle building effort.

If you want to gain muscle fast, i recommend you check out Jon Benson 7 minute muscle [http://www.7minutemusclereview.net]. Read my 7 minute muscle review [http://www.7minutemusclereview.net] and learn how to build your muscles in just 7 minutes a day.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_K_Lim

If You Are Skinny, Gain Muscle With This One Weird Tip

Skinny? Gain muscle fast by following this one counter intuitive tip that seems to be lost amongst a lot of mainstream bodybuilding magazines that focus on supplements and workouts more than the real things that help skinny guys gain muscle which is half knowledge and half mindset.

In any case... here is the tip you need to know before you will see the gains you want as a hardgainer.

Focus on the workouts absolutely last!

Sounds weird right? The workouts are the central thing you might be thinking, the reason muscles get bigger and if I don't do them right I am screwed!


Your workouts are important yes, but those that focus first on the right way to lift weights and which muscle groups you need to concentrate on and so forth does not get the most benefit for their time.

Instead you should be focusing on the back end of muscle building. Your diet, nutrition, recovery and even your motivation and mindset should come before the workouts.

The reason for this is that lifting weights will spark the muscle growth that will follow over the next few days. It sets a blueprint for muscle building if you like but the actual growth does not come from this.

What you really for skinny gain muscle success is to make sure you know all about how to get the energy you need in the right amounts and the right types to be able to build the muscle when you are sleeping and at rest and make sure you have the right mindset to follow all these things through without skipping around.

That is the tip you need. Knowledge of the back end of bodybuilding not just getting the "pump" and thinking you are done because that is not real muscle growth.

So to learn more about the details of these things for skinny muscle gain click below and get what you need to know to get buff and ripped fast without falling for the many supplement scams that are out there.

Skinny Gain Muscle

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Mclain

Female Bodybuilding Fitness - How to Start

Female bodybuilding fitness can be daunting for the beginner. Where to start? How to learn muscle building quickly and effectively? How not to waste time getting no results? Here are some excellent basics you need to learn about female bodybuilding fitness which should propel you to seeing the results you want to see quickly and effectively.

1. Weightlifting.

Obviously to build your muscles quickly, lifting weights is going to be what gets the job done. Don't be intimidated by weightlifting! It is very straight forward and you can catch on how to train properly very quickly if you follow the right advice and routine. Basically you have a bunch of different muscles you will be training. You will split those muscle groups up into different days (one day you will train your chest, your triceps, and your shoulders for instance. This is just an example of a common split.) And then another day you will train a different set of muscles. Once you have it all on paper, know your routine, then you can pick up the weights and go at it.

2. Eating.

What many newcomers don't realize is just how important eating is to female bodybuilding fitness. It's not about "dieting", more than it's about eating the right foods at the right times throughout the day. Eating properly (the right amount of protein/carbs/and fats throughout the day) will make the difference between barely average results to outstanding results. Once again, eating is not hard to figure out once you have a good plan in front of you.

3. The Routine.

To see results quickly and not waste time with your training, a good routine is essential. A routine will consist of a workout program and eating recommendations. The workout program will consist of a body part split to follow and the proper number of sets and reps. An eating program will consist of the right portion and combination of food to eat to put on muscle while getting lean.

Want to see an awesome Female Bodybuilding Fitness routine? Check it out at http://femalefitnesssecrets.blogspot.com/

You'll get results quickly on this great female bodybuilding fitness routine - http://femalefitnesssecrets.blogspot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessica_Flowers

Bodybuilding Devolved From Healthy Fitness Training


Bodybuilding, lovely as it is, negatively evolved from health practices and fitness training exercises that ancient civilizations used to keep fit. Professional bodybuilding reaches a glorious termination when a bodybuilder holds the statuette of MR. Olympia, modeled in honor of Eugene Sandow, the father of modern bodybuilding. Nevertheless, before Sandow came by, core bodybuilding exercises had been in practice for centuries among the Greek, Indians, Egyptians, Africans, Americans and many other communities. What Sandow and his followers did was to corrupt those healthy fitness exercises into an entertainment sport.

How did this happen? Let us go over the devolvement eras and see the divorce process of bodybuilding from healthy fitness training exercises.

Health Based Weight Training Era

Weight training was an ancient general athletic activity in many communities. The weight training exercises and equipments used varied, but the intent was similar, amplifying body health and strength for personal reasons. In the ancient Greek and Egyptian societies men initially trained to keep physically fit, agile and strong. They primarily used huge stones to seek bodily development into healthy physiques.

At this time, every man had to seek strenuous physical activities daily as a means of 'staying a man'. These were combined with supremely healthy diets and natural herbs. There was never any need for physical display as a goal of engaging in the physical fitness exercises.

In India, by the 11th Century we had stone dumbbell weights (locally called Nals) lifted by men who wanted to enhance their physical health and stamina. Note, the most important aim was to help the men overcome numerous challenges that daily activities presented. By the 16th century, physical training gyms became commonplace in the India region and health based weight training, an India's national hobby.

Health Based Strength Training Era

Soon enough however weight training lost the noble intention of health and stamina and slowly emphasized physique development. Still, the exercises were not meant to develop the body for show but for strength in strongman competitions. This was a healthy dimension too since strength was built up in healthy practices that included proper dieting and daily physical activities.

Nevertheless, the idea of thrilling crowds gradually crept in as men engaged in amazing feats of personal strength. Professional strongman competitions saw weight training intensify from primitive stone lifting practices into psycho lifting sessions within dark dungeons. The physical fitness and strength training practice became hugely popular across Asia.

Although onlooker amusement had crept into the training goals, the exercises were still within the precincts of fitness and body health. Some examples of the fitness exercises included pulling carts, running with weights, lifting animals etc. The physique definition still did not matter.

Bodybuilding for Display Era

For a long time (between 16th and 17th Century) Asians and especially Indians, learnt the essence of training and dieting to develop the body for display purposes. Strongman competitions gained an exhibitive edge and competitors started removing their clothes. The practice was similar across the world communities. Celebrating the human body's muscular development became a prominent Greek ideal during this time. By the 19th Century, physical exercises were no longer for strength or stamina.

Weight training took on a totally different meaning from the ancient tradition of health based fitness training. New training system evolved and the goal became displaying physiques for entertainment purposes. Europe exacerbated the physical display culture where body symmetry became the aesthetic goal of training and not health or physical fitness. It was this culture that the 20th Century Eugene Sandow met and perfected. Modern bodybuilding where muscle mass display and definition overtook health conscious physical training had been born.

Modern Bodybuilding Era

Modern bodybuilding can be traced perse to around 1890s when Eugene officially crafted a body display sport as a profession. He is thus rightly famed as the grandfather of modern bodybuilding. He was a phenomenon hit as a pioneer in muscle mass and strength accumulation. The competitive sport gradually grew to exclusively feature the best muscle mass in total disregard of physical fitness or of the healthiness of the individual's practice while gaining that mass. That is the tradition to which we were born and to which some still live.

Muscle Craze Era

Within the modern bodybuilding era, there was three decades that were so profound that they deserve a special mention. Beginning 1960 and up to 1990, muscle mass generation became the greatest craze that ever hit the bodybuilding industry. Anabolic steroids became a staple. Despite the anabolic steroids being grossly dangerous to health, they were used in their tons if only to gain an inch of muscle.

Bodybuilding Health Era

Luckily, we have awoken to the fact that gaining muscle mass and strength should never have to compromise on our health or our physical fitness. There is no reason why I should loose my kidney just to gain a marvelous bicep. Acne, cancer and the hundreds of other side effects of steroids can never be borne just because you want some muscle mass.

The current era in bodybuilding, emphasizes on an individual who trains natural, trains hard not just for muscle but also for a comprehensively healthy body. The idea is to be masculine, healthy and physically fit. Bodybuilding training is slowly returning into the shoes of the primitive art where health and fitness are the driving goals of bodybuilding training.

There is a link between a bodybuilding lifestyle and optimal health. Once an individual strikes that link, he or she attains optimal physical fitness as a by-product. With the right information, you can easily set up a training regimen that is centered on bodybuilding health. From this program, muscle mass and strength will accrue and with it physical fitness.

Machahi John Joel is a successful body builder who has spent the last four years pumping iron. It is from this background that he now writes expert articles trying to expound on the link between bodybuilding, health and physical fitness. Learn more about that critical link at [http://digitalhealthandfitness.com/]. In this information age, you need a digital connection to a happy life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Machahi_John_Joel