2 Unusual Arm Workouts for Men for Building Dense Muscle Fast

Like most men I want muscular arms that have size but also have dense muscle that is defined. However for a lot of men they struggle to develop a well-proportioned arm either by going to big, over training the muscles or by focusing on one muscle more than the other. With this is mind here is arm workout for men who just don't want big puffy arms but are after the more lean dense look that looks great in a t shirt but in proportion with the rest of your physique.

A quick arm workout for men to gain muscle and burn fat quickly

So if you want a different approach to your arm workouts then try the two routines below. They mix both body weight and free weight exercises as I have found this combination to develop and shape the muscle very effectively. Also as a added bonus you will be working many other muscles in the body and burning extra calories so you get a lot of work done in a short space of time. The 2 workouts are 4 exercises split into 2 super sets that can be done as two separate routines or one big workout.

Arm Workout 1

Chin ups - I only go down halfway on this movement and then at the top pause for a second or two squeezing the biceps before slowly lowering myself down. Don't finish until you have done 10 reps then move straight onto

Lying Tricep Barbell Extensions- I start on a flat bench then move the incline after each set to finish on about a 60 degree angle. This gives the Tricep a real workout from all angles. - Do 10 Reps

Perform 3-5 sets of this superset depending if your doing this as a workout on its own or as part of a longer routine.

Arm Workout 2

Dumbbell curls with half squat- Start off in a standing position with weights at your side. Go into a half squat keeping your back straight and abs braced. As you stand up curl up both dumbbells together then lower them slowly and repeat. The extra momentum from the squat will let you go a little heavier than normal plus the extra movement will raise the metabolism. By lowering the dumbbells slowly you will ensure that the biceps are under enough tension to work them hard.

Aim for 10 reps then without rest go straight to the next exercise.

Close Grip Push Up.-Take a normal press up position then bring your hands together and form a diamond shape with the first fingers and thumbs. Make sure your shoulders are above your hands then lower down as far as you can go keeping your arms close to your side. When you push back up ensure that the arms are fully extended. Your body should be straight with your abs braced throughout the movement. For progression elevate your feet or place weight on your back. Do 10 slow and controlled reps.

As before try to complete 3-5 sets of this superset depending if your doing this as a workout on its own or as part of a longer routine.

This is not your normal arm workout for men that you see in many gyms. However give it try because I know you will love the results.

I am Howard Standring a Personal Trainer who lives in Southern Spain. I coach and advice men and women of all ages to help them achieve a lean attractive body that lasts for life.

For more workouts, advanced fat loss tips and muscle building advice to look like a Hollywood star or fashion model visit my blog http://www.energiafitness.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Howard_Standring