Huge Muscle Building Arm Muscle Exercises

Huge arms. That's one of the first things that attract the eye of those who are paying their first visit to a gym. Bulging arm muscles are great for attracting the ladies, and really super for getting respect from the guys that don't have them. You can tell when someone is really proud of their arm muscles if they cut off their sleeves to give them some "breathing room." Hey, what the heck. If you have them - flaunt them. If, on the other hand, you don't have any arm muscle mass to speak of, you'd best keep the arms covered until you can practice some muscle building exercises to build those muscles up for "show time."

In their quest to build up their muscles, a lot of beginners go off half cocked when selecting forearm muscle building exercises, and go about arm training all wrong. Using the wrong arm exercises will get you working out and sweaty, but it won't do much for your muscles. If you are really serious about building up huge arms, take the time to discover which arm exercises are the best.

Your arms have two main muscle groups: the biceps and the triceps, and of course the forearm muscles. The arm, although biologically complex, is a simple mechanical device. You need only one motion to work the biceps and triceps. Additional secondary arm muscle building exercises are also beneficial in providing some diversity in the challenges that you impose upon these muscles. The following exercises have historically proven to be the most beneficial to building up huge arm muscles. Remember, however, it's not only the exercise that's important, but also the frequency, the number of repetitions for each set, and the number of sets performed.

Working Biceps

Dumbbell Curls and Barbell Curls: Your biceps respond quickly to a pulling motion, making the standard curl the primary exercise for the biceps. The most effective formula for performing this exercise is three to four sets at around twelve reps per set. This in an ideal arm exercise for building muscle mass.

Hammer Curls: Perform this arm exercise using dumbbells. They focus upon working a different area of the biceps.

Reverse Curls: These curls simply use a reverse grip on the barbell to work a different area of the biceps.

Working Triceps

Close Grip Bench Press: This is recognized as a great exercise for building arm muscle. Using three to four sets at around twelve reps per set is a good routine for this exercise.

French Press (Skull crushers): This exercise is performed by holding a single dumbbell with both hands extended over your head, while sitting on a back-supported bench.

Tricep Kickbacks: This exercise is performed with dumbbells while kneeling on a bench with your back parallel to the floor. You kick your tricep back.

Cable Push-Downs: With this arm muscle exercise, you'll see significant gain. Use a V-shaped handle grip.

If you want to find more information about arm muscle exercises, Please click the muscle building program [http://www.aboutbuildmuscle.com/] named muscle gaining secrets. It is a proven program of step-by-step guide to help you gain more muscle mass. Read the muscle gaining secrets review [http://www.aboutbuildmuscle.com/Muscle-Gaining-Secrets-Review-Scam-Does-Muscle-Gaining-Secrets-Really-Work.html?id=61] for more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jack_A_Bush

Top Secrets To Natural Bodybuilding

Natural bodybuilding is how people once approached the act of developing muscles and becoming stronger. That was before the arrival of anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs on the scene. Today, the bodybuilders with monster muscles have become that way through a combination of drugs, supplements and weight training.

Not everybody wants to use harmful substances to build muscle. Many still want to do this naturally and with no aids other than their own discipline, diet and determination. If you're not keen on developing enormous muscle bulk within an unrealistic period of time, there's no real reason to take body building drugs.

There's a dangerous downside to using body building and performance enhancing medication. These drugs cause long term damage to your body, including vital organs like the kidneys. Bodybuilders sometimes die due to sudden heart failure, heart attacks or strokes as a consequence of taking these drugs. Many performance building drugs that are used are illegal and are not under the supervision of a regulatory authority. When administered under sub-optimal conditions by unqualified people, it can be deadly.

Natural bodybuilding, by definition, is the development of muscle through exercise and diet without resorting ever to taking drugs or supplements to enhance body building. Your own effort and how long you workout consistently on a muscle gaining plan are the only things that determine how big your body grows and how fast you bulk up on muscle.

As part of natural methods of body building, you must plan your bodybuilding diet in order to get the desired mix of protein, carbohydrate and fat. That's the only way you will be able to gain muscle and avoid fat accumulation in adipose tissue stores.

Exercise workouts and body building routines are the other major component of natural body building. You must rest your muscles adequately between workout sessions so that they have time to rest, recover and repair any damage incurred during exercise. Unless you pay enough attention to your diet and the rest periods between workouts, you will not be very successful at adding muscle mass quickly.

The key reason that many bodybuilders fail and move to take the easy way out with drugs and supplements is that they didn't plan correctly, or lacked the discipline to stick with their plan. To avoid falling into this trap yourself, you must stay calm without becoming envious or angry with the results you've achieved. Always keep in mind that you are doing this the healthy way without causing yourself any damage.

When you follow a tested and proven bodybuilding program that is created by an expert, you further improve your chance of success and will not fall into the trap of relying on performance enhancers.

One of the best natural bodybuilding programs is "Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0". You'll find a detailed review of the program at http://www.MuscleGainingSecretsReviews.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cumba_Gowri

The Top Secrets to Building the Muscle You Want Fast

The problem with most muscle building programs is that they don't work. For those who are forever skinny, they won't benefit from those types of programs. Neither will those who are chronically fat either.

If you throw supplements, steroids or shakes into the mix, you can make it even worse. With these types of obstacles to building muscle what can you do?

It's simple. You need someone to train you in the right way to eat and train your body. There are proven scientific principles that work to help you build the body you want even if you are chronically skinny, or you have tried other programs before in order to lose fat.

Vince Delmont's No Nonsense Muscle Building Program is just such a program. Vince shows you how to build muscle the right way, and he doesn't leave anything to chance. Since he was once chronically skinny, he understands what it's like to try everything in order to build muscle. Some of the things he tried even gave him a pot belly. Vince knows how to train to help you get the results you want, and it takes less than four hours per week.

Overall, this is a solid program. It includes a 200+ page manual with all the information you need to get started including the exercises, as well as what you need to know about eating. Half the work in getting fit comes from working out while the other half comes from what you eat.

This package includes many bonuses too, like the 29 week program to help you build muscle fast. When Vince developed the program, he actually gained 20 pounds of muscle the first 30 days, and he will show you how to get those types of results fast.

Other bonuses include the Kickstart program and the 84 day eating plan, which will keep you from getting bored and help you eat good food instead of having to depend on shakes and other stuff that doesn't work.

The exercise demonstrator offers over 100 videos to show you how to do all the exercises. Proper form will help you avoid injury, and this system shows you exactly how to get all the exercises right so you don't get hurt.

The 24/7 Instant Coach will answer any questions you may have about getting fit. This package is the result of Vince compiling every question he has ever been asked so that you have access to all this information.

You also get the Muscle Building DVD and access to a members' only forum where you can connect with others who are using the program. All in all this program includes 10 bonuses, and it is one of the most complete packages I've ever seen if you are looking to get fit, build muscle and get rid of the either being skinny or fat for good.

If you are a gym rat, this package probably isn't for you, and the reason is that you may actually enjoy staying in the gym and working out for hours. For those who don't have that kind of time or are just starting out, this package is ideal. It's based on experience, and so it works. Vince has over 80,000 students who have tried it and thousands of testimonials that it works. The best part is that anyone can do it, male or female.

This product gets my highest recommendation because it was created by someone who understands. Vince Delmont provides a complete solution at an unbelievalble price for all your muscle building needs so you get the body you've always wanted but been denied until now.

Like this review? Then sign up for my list and get a free workout. You will also receive the best health and fitness, weight loss and Muscle Building Tips for free. For more articles and resources to help you get in the best shape of your life, visit my blog, the Mind Body Spirit Business and Life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jinger_Jarrett

The Hidden Secrets To Creating A Flat Stomach

Many people who walk into fitness classes are interested in shredding fat from around the mid-section of the body. They are tired of the lumpy appearance and the extra fat that hangs over the top of their pants. The feel of their stomachs is no longer satisfying and they are uneasy putting on a bathing suit or enjoying intimate moments.

Can you relate to any of this? If so, then you may be interested in the secrets of fat burning for the mid-section participants learn when they come to the experts for advice and guidance. There isn't enough space here to reveal the in-depth information those participants will learn over time, but there is enough space to reveal the basic secrets. If you want to flatten your stomach and feel better about yourself, these secrets will give you a good start to success.

Target the Whole Body

Forget crunches and other floor exercises that strain the neck in attempt to isolate the ab muscles. You can strengthen those muscles, but that is not what will ultimately give you the flat stomach you really want.

A flat stomach is the product of two things:

1. Burning away the fat covering your beautiful abs.

2. Strengthening and toning the ab muscles so they are sharply defined.

If you want a ripped stomach or six-pack abs you will focus more on the strengthening, but you still have to burn the fat away from the muscle so you can see the definition. If your goal is a perfectly flat stomach but you don't care as much about chiseled six pack definition, you need to work on burning the fat under the skin and developing enough muscle and strength to support your body and look lean.

Here's the secret: you cannot burn fat specifically from the abdominal region. You have to focus on cardio exercise that burns fat from the body as a whole. You will naturally lose the fat from the stomach area along with body fat from other areas of the body.

For toning, try to work multiple body parts at once rather than isolating only the abdominals. This will give an even tone throughout the body that is very flattering. For instance, do a wide-legged squat then rise up to an overhead press with dumbbells. Hold your abdominals tight and crunch side to side before squatting again.

High Intensity Interval training (HIIT) is a great way to burn fat and circuit training is great for burning fat and toning when at once.

More Fat = More Time Investment

One of the major keys is nutrition. You can never out train a bad diet. You must stay away from high carbohydrate diets. The sugary drinks will also set you back tremendously.

Eat higher protein diets and focus on looking at food as fuel instead of a way to feel good.

The biggest secret you will learn is that lasting results come with time. The more fat you have covering your abdominals, the longer it will take to develop the flat stomach you want. The good news is you can speed up the process by working with professionals who know the deeper secrets to burning fat and building a strong, well toned body with a flat stomach.

You can find many products on the market that give you access to limited workouts and stomach-flattening exercises, but you will eventually outgrow those programs and the results will stall. It's best to dedicate your time and effort into learning the secrets.

Adam Luckey owns Bootcamp Temecula Which is the number 1 fitness and fat loss solution in the valley. He has a passion to see people take control of their lives by creating the body they deserve.

You can also check out the Bootcamp Temecula website to get a free week to his bootcamp.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Luckey

Discover the Secret to Bodyweight Exercises As Fat Loss Workouts

If you are one of the millions of people that want to start the new year off right but just don't have time to go to the gym you don't have to worry because there is a solution just right for you. Bodyweight exercises are one of the most effective ways to lose weight fast. Look at how the military shapes up their recruits so quickly using bootcamp exercises for fat loss workouts. This works exceedingly well as I myself lost 30 pounds in 13 weeks at Marine Corps Boot Camp back 18 years ago.

I now teach bodyweight exercises as a great alternative to using weight equipment. Lifting weights is great for some people but others just don't have the money to invest in home equipment or time to set aside to make it to the gym. You can stay lean and fit with fat loss workouts from your own home.

Why Bodyweight Exercises are so Effective

Here is the quick skinny on how bootcamp workouts burn fat fast. When you put your body into positions forcing it into specific movements without the stabilization of a machine you force more muscles to work synergistically which burns more calories. In addition there is a lot of core work involved that will indirectly work your abdominals. Even when you are in a push up position your abs are worked in order to stabilize the body.

By switching to different body weight exercises every 30 seconds to a minute the body has a hard time adapting and getting really efficient at performing the movement with less energy. In fact just the switching body positions into another position requires calories and forces the muscles to work in new planes of motion. When you do the same exercise like the treadmill for 30 minutes your body will adapt quickly and get highly efficient at the movement so that it is able to perform it and burn less calories. The human body was made to adapt to all stimuli and become more efficient. By using bodyweight exercises you can throw off the speed that your body adapts and keep the calorie burning high making them excellent fat loss workouts.

Bodyweight Exercises for Fat Loss

Learn more about all the different types of Bodyweight Exercises at my Boot Camp Workout Blog. You can also try this free Fat Loss Workout to get you started.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Porter

Health Benefits of Muscle Building

Everyone knows that muscle is much more attractive than fat. So when you lose weight, you want to build more muscle and not just diet to lose fat. But there are other health benefits to building muscle mass that should motivate you to hit the gym.

First of all, when you build muscle, you automatically reduce your percentage of body fat. And, you look better too. Muscle mass is approximately half as big as the mass of fat deposits.

That means that while five pounds of fat is approximately the size of three grapefruits, five pounds of muscle is more like three tangerines. Therefore, if you are exercising to lose weight, don't be surprised if you actually gain weight. This is not a bad thing! It means you are building muscle mass, and you will look much slimmer than before.

Other health benefits of building muscle mass include burning calories more quickly. Muscles use energy, fat just stores it. So when you have more muscles, you will burn more energy and maintain a healthy body weight more easily.

You do not have to build a lot of muscle mass to reap the benefits. Studies show that building only five pounds of muscle mass will make you healthier and more able to fight off disease. It doesn't take long to build muscle mass, either. Just thirty minutes three times a week is enough to reach your goals.

Lifting weights is the obvious way to build muscle mass, but swimming, running, or even walking will build muscle mass as well.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Health-Fitness-Solutions.com [http://www.Health-Fitness-Solutions.com] He provides more health related advice and muscle building secrets [http://www.health-fitness-solutions.com/Muscle-Building-Secrets.html] that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Gorman

The Ultimate Boot Camp Workout - Tabata Protocol

The secret to a good boot camp workout is high energy. The reason many people chose boot camps is because they're a fun change of pace from the normal gym routine. A great boot camp workout gets results, but keeps it fun!

The only tough part about designing a boot camp workout is that there usually isn't enough equipment for everybody. You have to figure out how to put your clients through a killer workout without any equipment.

Fortunately, there are numerous boot camp workout methods that are extremely effective bodyweight workouts that require NO equipment.

One of my favorite methods uses the "Tabata" protocol. The Tabata protocol uses bodyweight exercises such as squats, lunges, push-ups, crunches, planks, mountain climbers, or really any other bodyweight exercise you can think of.

The key to Tabata protocols is the timing. Each Tabata is done for 20 seconds with 10 seconds of recovery. You can manipulate the exercises, the order of the exericises, the number of "Tabatas" per round or per exercise. You can get pretty creative.

One thing I do that my clients love is to make it a competition of sorts. There are a number of ways to do this using the Tabata protocol. The first way is to see who can do the most reps of a certain exercise in a specified number of rounds. The second way is to see how many total rounds or "tabatas" they can complete before exhaustion.

You'll be amazed at how they will push themselves and have fun doing it. As a side note, I usually only do competition type events after the group has had the chance to get to know one another and are comfortable in the setting.

By using the Tabata protocol, you can pretty much guarantee that your clients will be begging for mercy after just 15 minutes. Try it out and mix it up.

Remember, the key to running a successful boot camp is not just the marketing, but your ability to keep it interesting and get results for your clients.

This is just one method of many super effective, super fun boot camp workouts. For even more great ideas visit: http://bestbootcampexercises.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Jay

Best Nutrition for Building Muscle - 6 Tips for a Muscle Gain Diet

If you want to increase muscle mass, it's very important to eat the kind of food that gives you the best nutrition for building muscle. This is just about as important as going to the gym regularly. Your hard training will get you less results, if you are not getting the proper nutrition for muscle gaining. If you are skinny and have a hard time gaining weight, it is especially important for you to keep track of the nutrition you are getting from your meals.

Here you have my six tips for muscle gaining nutrition:

1. You should have a meal every 2,5-3 hours.

Having a meal every 3 hours is beneficial for those who want to add muscle, those who are trying to lose fat and gain muscle, as well as those just wanting to gain muscle.Skipping meals to lose fat is not a good idea, because when you do your body could start to store fat as a defense mechanism.Having more frequent meals supports fat loss, because it accelerates the body's metabolism. For those of you who can´t gain weight easily,it´s very important to have a meal every 3 hours or so, because if you don't, your body doesn´t have a constant energy source, and it could start eating up the muscle tissue for the energy it needs.And when that happens the muscles aren't growing.

2. Your muscles need protein to grow.

Meat, eggs, cheese, kinoa, beans, tuna, salmon, cod and peas are examples of protein-rich foods.Your preferred protein intake per day is around: 1,5 g per pound of bodyweight (3,3 grams per kilogram).Every meal should include protein, 40-60 g. Protein is an important growing material for the muscles, and it speeds muscle recovery.If you would like to use powdered protein supplement, it should not be more than 40 percent of your daily protein consumption. This is to make sure that you are getting enough minerals, vitamins and digestive enzimes from your diet.

3. Carbohydrates are an important part of your muscle building diet.

Carbs can be put in three categories, simple (sugars), complex (whole grain breads, brown rice), and fibrous (vegetables).You should concentrate on complex carbs when you are working out hard and building muscle, they release a slower and longer lasting energy. Foods that contain high complex carbs are amongst others: whole grains, cornmeal, bran, pasta and brown rice.You should eat most of your carbs in the morning and post-workout.Having a good meal post-workout is crucial for muscle building and muscle recovery. The amount of carbs you eat every day should be around 5,5 g per kilo of bodyweight (2,5 g per pound).

4. For muscle recovery, veggies are very important.

Every meal should contain 1-2 cups of vegetables and fruit.You get anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals from fruits and veggies and they speed muscle recovery and heal damaged muscle cells. High levels of acid loads to the blood, which are created by grains and proteins, need to be balanced out with alkaline rich veggies and fruits. To much acid in the blood can result in decreasing of muscle mass and bone strength.

5. Fat is important as well.

Depending on if you want to lose bodyfat or not, fat should be 10-30% of your meal. For those who don't gain weight easily, 30 percent fat is the right amount, for those who would like to lose some bodyfat, ten percent is fine and for the rest, twenty percent is good. Consuming fat is necessary for the body, one of many of its benefits is its contribution to energy, and diffusion of oxygen into the bloodstream. The following are a few kinds of foods that contain "good fat" (essential fatty acids): olive oil, walnuts, seafood and pumpkin seeds.

6. Write down what you eat and when.

In order to keep track of the food you are eating, and whether it is useful to your muscle building efforts, keep a log of what and when you eat. Collect information about every meal, and its nutritional value, the amount of fat, carbs and protein you are eating. Even if this doesn't sound very fun, it gets into a habit very fast, and has many benefits.You could have your phone remind you when it's time to eat if you tend to forget meals.

By following these simple tips, your diet should be optimized for muscle gain.

I hope you found this article helpful and that it will help you in your muscle building efforts.

For more articles and information on building muscle in a healthy way check out my website:

MuscleUpMan.com [http://muscleupman.com/best-food-for-muscle-gain/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jon_B_Benson

Tips on Finding the Best Way to Gain Muscle Mass

Men young and old are always looking for the best way to gain muscle mass so they can have a more appealing physique. But the problem is most men don't understand the best way to gain muscle. Most men don't understand how to build muscle mass because they make it too complicated for themselves.

So today, I'll share 3 simple tips so you can understand the best way to gain muscle mass.

3 Tips for the Best Way to Gain Muscle Mass

1. Keep things simple.

Building muscle mass can be extremely complex and difficult. Beginning with countless training methods and the corresponding training plans along with a wide range of different sports nutrition products will leave anyone dumbfounded. Most guys see this and give up since it looks downright overwhelming. Making things complicated deprives you of motivation, which is essential for the best way to gain muscle. In order to improve your body, you must keep things as simple as possible and focus only on the essentials.

2. Training with heavy weights.

For the best way to gain muscle, you must train hard and heavy with exercises such as squats, deadlifts and bench press. It is a fact that compound exercises address different muscle groups simultaneously, which outperforms other exercise. The reason is that compound exercises mainly address the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which grow quickly and are responsible for extreme power release. In contrast, the slow-twitch muscle fibers are more important for the increase in endurance performance.

But even if compound exercises are the best way to gain muscle, they must be performed correctly. This aspect is tricky since you need to balance performance along with your form. In other words, heavy training does not mean to just lift the heaviest weights possible. Instead heavy training means training with a weight that is challenging for you, but will not cause to train to failure. In other words, never train to failure and allows leave a "couple reps in the tank" for your next workout.

3. Forget about the other athletes at your gym. Focus on yourself.

The best way to build muscle mass is all about out lifting everyone in the gym. Correct? Wrong! The best way to gain muscle is all about focusing on and achieving your personal goals. So instead of trying to out-bench everyone in the gym from day one, focus on progressing towards a 200 pound press by adding a small amount of weight to the bar each time you train. Once you accomplish a 200 pound bench then focus on building a 300 pound bench. This is what gaining muscle is all about. Having personal goals and achieving them.

So there you have it 3 basic tips to help you build muscle. Just make sure to keep it simple, lift heavy, and start achieving your goals, which will translate into building more muscle.

If you enjoyed reading about simple ways to gain muscle mass then be sure to check out Bona Fide Fitness Reviews [http://bonafidefitnessreviews.com/] where our focus is finding simple and effective solutions for your health and fitness needs. In the end, simpler is always better.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_J_Brennan

Best Tips to Help You Gain Muscle Mass Fast

It seems as though many more people are becoming interested in health and physical fitness. Individuals of all ages are searching for ways to improve their diets, lose weight and define their physiques. The best way to define your body is by learning how to exercise properly and shifting your weight loss regimen into high gear. Today the hottest trend is for an individual to shed those unwanted excess pounds and attempt to gain muscle mass fast.

You can not just go to the gym and expect your body to change without understanding what you need to do. Weightlifting and resistance exercises will help you build muscle and eliminate the excess fat. Begin with light weights that you can handle easily. Once you have established the proper form and mastered the correct number of repetitions you can exchange those lighter weights for weights that are going to provide the physical challenges which are necessary to build muscle. It is important to remember that you should always increase the number of reps in a set of exercises before you attempt to move to heavier weight.

Free weights such as dumbbells and barbells are more challenging than the weights that are attached to resistance machines. You will also be required to perfect your weightlifting form when your workout includes this type of equipment. If you want to gain muscle mass, you will need to concentrate your efforts on exercising with free weights. Study yourself in the mirror and make sure that your posture, stance and lifting techniques are correct. You can also ask for assistance from a personal trainer, study weightlifting videos on YouTube.com, read books or get advice from more experienced gym members.

Cardio exercises such as running, aerobics, treadmill sessions and jumping rope are going to speed up your ability to burn fat but these exercises will not help much with gaining muscle mass. Your gym sessions need to include workouts that are going to challenge your muscles to the point of exhaustion. This is commonly known in the bodybuilding world as muscle failure. You will need to perform 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps for each of your exercises. These numbers are designed to help you replace that unwanted fat with the lean muscular definition that is going to demand attention from others.

Isolate your muscle groups and work different groups on different days. For instance you could work your upper body (biceps, triceps, pecs and lateral muscles) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays you could concentrate on building the larger muscles in your glutes, thighs and calves. If you prefer a full-body workout regimen you should give yourself one full day of rest in between each of the exercise sessions.

When you are trying to build muscle you have to exercise at least 3-5 times a week. Never perform weightlifting routines on consecutive days because your muscle tissue must have at least 24 hours to repair and rebuild. Each time your muscles undergo the recovery process the tissue is going to be stronger, thicker and larger. Males have more testosterone than females and it is easier for them to get bigger muscles.

Eliminate unnecessary carbohydrates and fats from your daily diet and add more healthy protein to your meals. You can obtain protein from nuts, dairy, whole grains, lean meats and special dietary supplements. The extra protein is going to be used by your body to build the strong muscle tissue you want. You should also be eating 4-5 small meals each day instead of your usual 2-3 meals. Spacing the meals throughout the day will help stabilize your metabolism, control your food cravings and provide the continuous fuel your body needs for your exercise and weightlifting routines.

Each workout session should only last for 45-60 minutes for maximum results. On the days that you are are not lifting weights you can still perform cardio routines or focus on improving your abdominal muscles. These tips will help you gain muscle mass fast and create the strong physical definition that you crave.

Joe has been working out for more than 10 years and has experience helping others reach their goals. Visit his website for more tips, tricks and information on Building Muscle Mass Fast [http://www.transformationbodybuilding.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_H_Weber

Best Tips to Gain Muscle Mass

People, who have no relation to sports at all, are aware that the best way to gain mass is to sit around all day, burn minimum calories and eat all kinds of junk food. This is one way to gain mass and increase your weight. Let's say the easy way. Is this what we want? A body full of fat without exercise following an unhealthy way of living? Of course not.

When it comes to weightlifting, bodybuilding and sports in general, gaining mass means increasing your body-weight and in the same time increase lean muscle percentage. Increasing your muscle mass will make you feel stronger, healthier and more confident since your whole appearance will change dramatically. To avoid any misunderstanding gaining muscle mass doesn't mean you will end up looking like the bodybuilding professionals you see on the magazine covers. You will be witnessing your own improvement day by day and you can regulate the progress you make.

So, I have listed five simple rules to follow, which will help you achieve your goals:

1) Work on Your Strength

Before starting your muscle gain plan, make sure you have spent a couple of months working on strength training routines and cardiovascular exercise. The higher your strength levels are the more you can lift allowing you to add pure muscle mass.

2) Physique

Cardiovascular is also crucial at this phase since you need endurance for the heavy workload that lies ahead of you. Cardio creates new blood vessels allowing more blood inside the muscle cells triggering muscle growth.

3) Weight Gainers

You will need lots of extra quality calories, sourcing from carbohydrates and proteins. This can be provided from a weight gainer. There is a great variety to choose from in the market. Take your time and research in order to find the best weight gainer that suits you.

4) Maximum Weight and Minimum Reps

I will suggest a mass gain workout routine in a next article of mine, but until then you should keep in mind that you must work with maximum weight around 80 percent of your maximum lift and reduce your reps at three to four tops. This way you will pump your muscles and force your body to create new muscle fibers in order to support your workload.

5) Minimize Cardiovascular and Abs Training

Cardiovascular and abs training is not your priority at this phase. Reduce your cardio pace to medium and train your abs no more than twice a week. Don't worry. You will have the opportunity to work on them while you get ripped after the mass gaining period.

Keep those muscles pumping!

Chris G Pap

Since 1993 involved in bodybuilding and fitness area.Visit the following link for more info about bodybuilding, supplementation, workout routines and nutrition. [http://www.strengthtrainingmuscle.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_G_Pap

Gym Workout Bodybuilding Tips

Gym workout programs can vary dramatically from bodybuilder to bodybuilder. One gym bodybuilding workout for one bodybuilding enthusiast can deliver outstanding results while another gym workout can be a disappointment for another bodybuilder.

After thousands of bodybuilding fitness consulting sessions, and publishing a popular weight training guide, I constantly teach bodybuilders a results proven gym workout routine that builds muscle fast.

All you have to do is follow my 8 Gym Workout Bodybuilding Tips and you will soon see your muscle building results double.

8 Gym Bodybuilding Workout Tips

1. Have a clear weight training routine purpose.

Upon entering the gym it is imperative to have a clear cut bodybuilding routine plan of action. You should know exactly what exercises you will perform, how much weight you will need to lift, and how many reps you must beat. Therefore, your whole bodybuilding routine is 100% planned, set in stone, prior to beginning your gym workout. You must walk into the gym with a definite plan, and purpose.

2. Be in a "warrior" high intensity weight training state of mind.

It is crucial to enter the gym workout focused. I can remember entering the gym and instantly beginning to perspire. I mentally had worked myself up into state of high intensity weight training desire. This is even before I lifted one weight. It is called focus, and anticipation.

Bodybuilding results are only seen when you force yourself to grow. That takes high intensity weight training, as well as ultra high mental focus. Your mind should be totally focused on conquering the next rep. It is important to imagine yourself forcing out that one additional muscle building repetition.

In an effective gym workout, your attitude, and drive will determine your altitude of muscle development.

3. Focus on effective pre- gym workout bodybuilding nutrition.

Make sure you ingest a small amount of complex carbohydrates, and protein approximately 2 hours prior to beginning your gym workout. This will assure you of getting the adequate amounts of energy producing nutrients to expel in your high intensity weight training session.

Another extremely important gym workout tip is to make sure you are properly hydrated with, preferably, water. You should be consuming at least one-half of your bodyweight in ounces each and every day.

Bodybuilding training preparations are similar to space shuttle preparations. Your goal should be to get your system ready for a high intensity weight training blast off.

4. Did you bring your bodybuilding workout log to your gym workout?

One of the biggest mistakes bodybuilders consistently make is neglecting to track their weight lifting progress. Without measuring progress, there generally is little improvement. How do you know what you are suppose to beat if you have no data? How can a department store set sales goals if they don't track sales? It is just absolutely silly seeing bodybuilders completing their gym workouts without recording any data. That what is not measured will not improve.

5. Gym workouts are for training, not socializing.

Remember, you are in the gym to get muscle building results. If you are talking and goofing around, how in the world can you be ultra focused on going to war with the weights? Get your work done, and then socialize if you wish. I tell my clients to stay focused, and don't allow distractions. Focus on conquering that near impossible, muscle growth repetition.

6. Use only proven bodybuilding program principles.

Don't listen to Joe Bodybuilders newest theory on building muscle. Stick to what has been scientifically proven to work. Beware of all the gym chatter floating around. To discover all of the most advanced proven bodybuilding principles visit my muscle building weight training guide presented in digital audio. Bodybuilding Done Right is a how to bodybuilding audio revealing the proven scientific bodybuilding program principle the pros use, but refuse to share.

7. Avoid Overtraining.

Once you have completed your pre-designed 100% high intensity bodybuilding routine, it is time to get out of the gym, and go home and grow. Hold yourself back from doing one extra set. Remember, more is not necessarily better. Stick to your plan. With high intensity weight training you need less volume of work. Any extra basic weight training exercises could be counter productive to your bodybuilding muscle growth.

Get out of the gym, and let your body compensate, and later overcompensate with added fat burning muscle tissue.

Also, make sure your body has fully recovered from the previous gym workout before you train again.

8. Begin the recovery process with optimal bodybuilding nutrition.

You have an hour after your high intensity weight training workout to replenish your glycogen levels, thus, aiding in the muscle building, and recovery process. Take in two parts complex or simple carbohydrates with one part protein. This is an important bodybuilding tip that has been proven to aid in the muscle recovery, and building process. So power your gym workout with these proven tips.

These are 8 important gym workout tips that should be followed. Following these bodybuilding workout tips will do wonders for your weightlifting, muscle building results.

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Jim O'Connor - Exercise Physiologist

Copyright (c) - Wellness Word, LLC

9461 Charleville Blvd. #312

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Discover the newest bodybuilding breakthrough secrets in Exercise Physiologist Jim O'Connor's cutting edge 90 minute bodybuilding audio. He reveals the most effective, efficient bodybuilding tips [http://www.bodybuildingdoneright.com] for maxmimum muscle growth.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_O'Connor

5 Bodybuilding Tips and Tricks That Work

Here's 5 bodybuilding tips and tricks that will help you build your body faster. True, you can put on muscle without using these idea. But why make it hard on yourself?

1. Go Big To Little

Start your workout with big lifts. Squats, bench presses, standing presses, and deadlifts - the good stuff!

Then, if you need to and have the time, use smaller lifts to specialize your body. Maybe use bicep curls (even though I hate them myself) if you want your biceps bigger. Or other smaller lifts to focus on body parts that you want improved.

My main point is that you should do the lifts that give you the most bang for your buck, time wise and energy wise, first. Then move on the exercises that will take more energy for less returns. Make your time count.

2. Want More Muscle? Eat Before You Workout!

OK, you've probably heard that eating right after your workout is important. And there's more than a grain of truth to that. But eating before you workout is even better!

Here's one of the important things that happens when you eat. You're giving your body the fuel and materials it needs to build your body up bigger and stronger. That means that as soon as you damage your muscles by lifting weights, you've got protein and food already digesting - giving your body the ability to start immediately building new muscle.

3. Count Your Calories

Want to put on weight, as muscle? Eat more.

Lose weight, as fat? Eat less.

These are the basics. Now if you want to be certain about your weight loss, or stay good while just gaining muscle, count your calories to make sure you're eating exactly the right amount.

It is a pain in the ass, but... It works. End of story.

4. Don't Whine About Your Setbacks or Your Genetics

These days, everybody seems to be focused on why they can't reach their goals. "I have bad genetics," or, "I don't have the time," or whatever.

If you really want it badly enough, you'll find the time. You'll find the time to work hard, really find out everything you need to know, and work around the setbacks in your life.

Everybody has stuff that doesn't go as planned. Everybody has family obligation and work and 10,000 reasons to not get their workout done.

But some people get to the gym and make progress. And others just don't. Which will you be?

5. Find A Routine That Works, And Stick With It

Lastly, when you find a routine that works for you and that's giving your results, stick with it! Do not change anything!

I meet so many people who say, "Well, my routine is working, but I want to get results faster so I...". If you're getting consistent results, don't do anything different. Really.

In the beginning virtually anything works, but as you lift longer and longer it becomes harder and harder to put on more muscle. If you're making progress, don't risk shooting yourself in the foot by changing things up. Keep on keeping on, and you'll reach your goals.

If you want more bodybuilding info, check out these bodybuilding routines that work, and this info about your own personal bodybuilding genetics. I'm Aaron McCloud and I run the website Complete Strength Training.com, and I'm an American College of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer. I've been lifting heavy things, trying different diets, and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite a while. There's a lot of info about all different kinds of strength and weight training, and how to get ripped. Check it out!

- Copyright: You may freely republish this article, provided the text, author credit, active links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aaron_McCloud

Advanced Natural Bodybuilding Tips With The Sets Progression and Strength Methods

I am going to give you some advanced natural bodybuilding tips for training, to help you put on as much muscle as possible.

You see, the biggest mistake you can make is following routines from pro-bodybuilders. Those guys have elite genetics and are probably taking steroids. So what works for them, may not work for you.

A natural bodybuilding training program will look very different from an "assisted" one. I will give you some sample workouts and a couple of my favourite natural bodybuilding training tips, just because I am such a nice guy.

Advanced Natural Bodybuilding Tips: Set Progression

One of the biggest problems that natural trainee faces is progression. In order to get bigger and stronger you have to be lifting more weight or doing more volume work every week.

Volume style training has proven time and again to be most the most effective natural bodybuilding training routine. But generally you have to doing more volume each week. The problem with with this, is where do you stop? When your workouts last 5 hours?

You can of course lift more weight on the bar, which means you are lifting more total weight in your workouts. Which is great in theory and is something you should be doing. But you will eventually hit a brick wall and your progress will stop.

This is where one of my favourite natural bodybuilding tips comes into play, for something that is called the set progression. You never seem to hear much about the set progression model these days, but it is great for advancing fast in the gym.

It is simple enough to do; just add on an extra set onto your exercise every week, so instead of doing 3 sets you do 4. Adding on another set, is a great way to progress because you are doing another complete set which adds more volume to your workouts.

But like I said earlier where do you stop? As you cannot keep adding sets every week.

The best way to get around this is to use small training cycles. This is where you start of with say, 3 sets per exercise, then add on a set each week until reach 5 sets per exercise. Once you reach 5 sets, you drop back down to 3 sets the week after and increase the weight.

A sample 4 week cycle will look like this:

Week 1: 3 sets of 10 reps, with 50kg
Week 2: 4 sets of 10 reps, with 50kg
Week 3: 5 sets of 10 reps, with 50kg
Week 4: 3 sets of 10 reps, with 55kg And so on...

Does that seem simple enough? It is something you could try out and mess about with. I never see people using this natural bodybuilding training method, but is very effective.

Advanced Natural Bodybuilding Tips: Strength Progression

The strength progression method is another natural bodybuilding training method you do not see that much. But it is something that is almost mandatory to use if you want to get big.

Stronger muscles will be bigger muscles. Also, as you get stronger you will be able to lift more weight for higher volume and this is where you can make big muscle gains.

There are many methods of strength training you can use. Generally speaking, strength training is done with lower reps per set, which is around 1-5 reps per set.

One of the most popular strength training workouts is the 5x5 workout. It is a great workout for what it is, but I do not rate it that highly for the natural trainee. This is because it is hard to progress with the 5x5 method after a while.

You may do an extra rep or two every week, but this makes progress very slow and boring. I have gotten far better results using the 5-3-1 workout routine for developing my strength.

As well as better results, you can also mix in volume training with the 5-3-1 workout. Which is great for adding muscle mass.

You can see a complete explanation of the 5-3-1 workout at this link: 5-3-1 workout [http://www.bodybuildingworkoutsinfo.org/5-3-1-program-for-massive-strength-and-size/]

William Coulter has over 10 years experience in the gym. You can get more great tips on natural bodybuilding at his website: [http://www.bodybuildingworkoutsinfo.org/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Coulter

Bodybuilding Tips For the Chest and Forearms

Bodybuilding is recognized as an official sport, thanks to the popularity that the present Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, brought to bodybuilding when he won the title decades back.

Nowadays, there are more and more people clamoring to join bodybuilding tournaments or contests.

Competition is tough, especially with the outpour of young men and women trying to win it out there. That is why you need to be prepared if you want to reap success in the field of bodybuilding. This is a serious sport that requires serious training. This article gives you a few tried and tested body building tips that will help you achieve the body you desire.

The first thing you need to understand and accept is that bodybuilding takes time. These days, you can find many articles in newspapers, magazines, and websites that aim to give body building tips.

However, a great number of such articles out there only provide misleading information, with titles such as "The Secret to Fast and Easy Muscle Building," "How to Gain Ten Pounds in Just Three Weeks" and so forth.

This is the cold, hard truth you have to deal with: There is no easy method that will enable you to have a body fit for bodybuilding competition in just a matter of days or weeks. If you want to be a real bodybuilder, you'd have to put in a considerable amount of time and effort. Start with the body building tips you can find below.

One of the basic things you should focus on is how to make your chest grow in size. Chest building is a prime aspect of bodybuilding. Thankfully, building the chest muscles does not take as much time and effort as other bodybuilding exercises do.

In fact, there are several techniques with which you can build your chest muscles over the quickest timeframe possible. In general, what you need to do is to lie down on a flat bench just like when you set out to bench-press. Using a small bar, place your hands toward the center with both your index fingers five inches apart. Then, place the bar in between the nipple area; move the bar only an inch above your face, then move it behind your head, and finally, as close to the ground as possible. Pull back the bar to its starting position. Remember to keep it just an inch above your face or chest always. If you're a bodybuilding newbie, 20 pounds on each side will suit you fine, and you can work from there as you progress. On the other hand, if you've been at it for a while, you can start with 50 pounds on each side.

Another part of the body that bodybuilders need to work on before anything else is the arm. Getting big forearms is essential in stimulating the body to become familiar with other bodybuilding workout exercises. To work your forearms, there's a simple yet very effective exercise you can do.

First, sit down on a bench and grab a small, light dumbbell. Then, grab the end of your dumbbell and perform wrist curls. Make sure you do your wrist curls slowly, and don't forget to squeeze come contraction time for optimal growth. Finish three sets of eight reps, then proceed with three sets of reverse wrist curls. For reverse wrist curls, use a lighter dumbbell so as not to damage any joint or muscle. This simple routine enhances the size of your forearms and improves to define your muscles, leaving them more pronounced.

For tips on body building and reviews on body building guides [http://mywebfitness.com] visit: [http://www.MyWebFitness.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bernice_Eker

How to Get Ripped Abs Quickly

The most common question nowadays is "How do I get ripped abs quickly?" We always view having ripped abs as a symbol of health and fitness, strength and aesthetic beauty. Actually getting ripped abs can be achieved quickly by watching what we eat, training with resistance and intervals, and the management of our stress levels.

In order to achieve ripped abs, we need to decrease our overall body fat levels, which will make our abdominals more visible. Our abs are there but it's just covered by a layer of fat.

One of the factors involved in getting ripped abs is watching what we eat. We should eliminate processed foods, fast foods, sodas, and avoid refined carbohydrates like white sugar and white flour. We should avoid fad diets and consume foods that are balanced with fruits, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The frequency of our meals will help stabilize our body's energy and help optimize our workouts and burn fat. Ideally we should eat 5-6 times throughout the day.

Two very effective training methods for getting ripped abs are resistance training and interval training. Both have been shown to effectively increase the body's metabolism and increase the body's fat burning efficiency throughout the day. It has also been shown to produce fast results in achieving ripped abs.

Activities like hill sprints, wind sprints, swimming sprints and speed rope jumping are different ways to train with intervals. Various equipment like a stair climber, treadmill, stationary bike and rowing machines can also be utilized to do interval training.

On the other hand, when we train with resistance, we not only sculpt our bodies and create definition of the involved muscles; it also contributes to the overall aesthetic look of ripped abs. We should focus on exercises that focus on multi joints to increase our body's fat burning capabilities. Utilizing a low level of repetitions per exercise has been shown to increase the body's metabolic activity.

Lunges, squats, chin-ups, step-ups, dead lifts and rows are all examples of multi-joint exercises.

Getting the body's systems to utilize resistance and interval training has been shown to result in increases in the body's fat burning capabilities. Moreover, the body continues to burn fat and calories up to several hours after the workout.

Another method we can use to achieve our ripped abs is to control our stress levels. When we have elevated levels of stress, our bodies secrete a hormone called Cortisol, which stores fat in our belly, to prepare our body for an emergency situation or starvation.

Yoga, meditation, deep breathing and tai chi have all been shown to help decrease stress levels. There are many different stress management activities and techniques that can be utilized to reduce stress.

Watching our diet, training with resistance and intervals, and managing our stress levels are ways in how we can get ripped abs quicker. These factors can definitely determine how fast we can burn our belly fat as well as make us feel healthy and happy.

If you want to burn fat and fix joints the right way, please visit http://abstrengthguide.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jose_Loni

Get Rid of That Big Belly and Get Ripped Abs Quickly

Are you sick and tired of having a ton of belly fat and long to get ripped abs? If you want to look your best then read on.

At just the other side of forty I now understand why they call it being middle aged. My middle seemed to just spread out over night. I had a sickening amount of belly fat which seemed to sprout out of nowhere and grew fat handles on both sides of my body which made me not want to look in the mirror. How I wished I could regain my six pack and would have spent anything to get ripped abs again.

I know for a fact some of you reading this know exactly what I am talking about. You hate the way you look with out your top on. You wobble when you walk, feel bloated and do not have the confidence to wear those stylish tees and shirts that you long to put on. In fact like I did you probably have a wardrobe packed with designer clothing that just does not look right when you put it on.

Listen stop living a miserable life and do not wait a minute longer, make a decision right now that you are going to get ripped abs, a stone toned well defined stomach that will look great when you are down by the pool.

I made this decision 12 months ago and for the last 6 months have enjoyed regaining my confidence. Following a program I found online I made simple changes to my eating habits and began to undertake specific easy to follow exercises.

Trust me this is a lot easier to do than you think. So make that commitment and get ripped abs and a six pack, the body you deserve.

Click Here To Get Ripped Abs [http://www.mangozoom.co.uk/Get-Ripped-Abs.html]!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Vaux

Powerful and Proven Ways to Get Ripped 6 Packs Abs Fast

Each guy would like to get their body built and acquire 6 pack abs. if you drop by in any gym, you will some guys that are crunching away and do some side bends and after a month, they want to get rid of all the fats that they have to reveal their body.

So how you can develop a six packs abs or even more than 6? Thought it is common for people to be ignorant about this, surely you is not one those. It is worth to repeat crunching each day in spite of how hard you work and do exercise with your abs with leg raisers and sit ups exercise. The abs muscles won't be able to see if they are buried under the layer of the tummy fat.

Since your belly has fats that cover your abs, how can you easily get ripped of it so your abs can be visible, a very simple common sense, right? Surprised why do you still see people crunching or side bending? Well, it is more advisable that you combine regular exercise and healthy diet to acquire the body that you wanted. You have to lose your fats first with a few fat burning exercise and healthy dieting. You need to have the most perfect set of washboard and then ripped the abdominal muscles on earth. However, if they're hidden under the tummy belly fats, you won't be able to show off.

Look, if you like to own some ripped and defined 6 pack abs, then your body fats ratio percentage should be down to some single digit. Not two methods about it. What is the body fat ratio in percentage? If you do not even know that what body ration is, then you need to come a long and learn. And no wonder, your abs will not show. On the other hand, you don't have to worry much since you can learn it soon.

Now think and consider for a moment. Those fitness models and sexy celebrities that you can see and idolize in the cover of a popular fitness magazine, do you think their abs are in fabulous state even without knowing in terms of science behind developing your abs muscles. There are sciences that involves and even though they are genetically blessed, you can still have the right workouts and build that stunning ripped abdominal muscle like what you can see in the cover magazine and billboards of your favorite celebrity.

Read more about How to Get Ripped 6 Pack Abs. Also know about How to Get Rock Hard Abs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_E_Napier

The Two Week Fat Burning and Muscle Building

Burning body fat and building lean muscle mass may not be possible to attain at the very same time but you can still reach both of these goals if you look at your progress every two weeks following a simple alternating program. Would you prefer getting very thin and then building muscle, building muscle mass and then losing body fat or do you want both at the same time? If you are very overweight or obese then you should stick to the first approach, if you are extremely under weight then follow the second approach but if you are somewhere in the middle then the best approach for you none other than the alternating method. If you think that the alternating approach suits you, then keep reading.

The concept is that you do a muscle building program one week and the very next week, follow a fat loss work. Many experts and personal trainers at this point would say - You will lose all muscle that you have built during the first week. Well, why do you think we lose muscle mass? The main culprit is cortisol - A hormone that is a body stabilizer. It stabilizes body temperate and metabolism. If cortisol levels rise, you start losing muscle mass. It rises if you start starving yourself and also right after a workout. If you can keep cortisol levels under control then you are can avoid losing muscle mass. Is you take small and frequent meals and have a good post workout meal; you can avoid muscle loss completely. Here is the two week guide (workouts should not be longer than 30 minutes):

Week 1

60 - 80% of your maximum lifts
6 - 10 reps
Slow concentric movements (coming back to the normal position)
Explosive eccentric movements (going against the force)
Rest about 1 minute
Full body workouts
1 compound exercise per body part
Plenty of rest
HIIT once a week after smaller muscle group workout

High calorie diet - High Low GI carbohydrates, High proteins and low fats
High GI carbohydrates and fast absorbing protein post workout
No fats 2 hours before the workout
25 grams of fiber

Week 2

Workouts (you can also do strength circuits - No long duration cardio)
60% of your maximum lifts
8 - 15 reps (more reps for smaller muscle groups)
Fast and explosive movements
Multiple joint movements
Rest 30 seconds
Full body workouts - alternating between upper and lower body
HIIT 2 - 3 times a week

High protein, medium unsaturated fats and low carbohydrates
Fast absorbing proteins post workout
Main carbs for breakfast
No fats 2 hours before the workout
25 grams of fiber

You do lots of muscle building, concentrate on full body workouts with high calories in the first week. This increases your testosterone and growth hormone (HGH) levels. Eating the carbs after your workout will slow down the HGH production but increase insulin for protein synthesis and pushing the carbs in the muscles and not storing them. BUT you HGH will raise during the night so no worries :-). For even better results you can slow down both your eccentric and concentric movements, but lower the weight. The very slow movement in both positive and negative directions is a very very effective way to REALLY exhaust your muscles.

The second week, you lower your carbs to a minimum. Concentrate on losing fat using the testosterone and HGH hormones (these are very powerful fat burners). The HIIT and full body fast workouts will help raise these hormones and your BMR. You will lose body fat like anything.

Try this for a couple of weeks. Before starting, take a measuring tape and measure your waist. If you can, try and get a body fat percentage reading as well. You are sure to lose body fat and gain muscle during this time. If you want to learn more about how to burn fat and build muscle, please feel free to visit my blog at http://burnfatnbuildmuscle.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Usman_Siddiqui

The Back Biceps Workout That Makes Them Grow Like Mad

The back biceps workout - if I am going to work out any body part with my biceps it is going to be the back. The reason why I exercise my back with biceps is because I get a great pre-exhausted pump in my biceps from the back workout.

Also I love to super set the back with biceps, I do not do this to often because it is quite demanding, as the back muscles are a big group of muscles and take allot of energy from me on every exercise, and do not leave much energy for my biceps exercises.

So the superset workout would only be put in place if I wanted to shock the muscles back into growth or losing weight, as supper setting is a great way of losing body fat, because of the way the workout does not allow your heart rate to drop for long. The back biceps workout I am going to show you is a superset workout.

So remember do not do this workout week in week out as you will start to overtrain.

1. start with seated close grip pull downs to the chest for the back super set with seated incline bench concentration curls for the biceps, do 1 warm up set for back and biceps, then increase the weight in every exercise until you get to a rep range of about 6-7 reps.

Do not allow for any rest between exercises just keep going. You should be doing about 3-4 sets per body part.

2. Move from here giving the back and biceps 2-3 minutes to recover.

For the back we are going to do t-bar rows with a close grip.

And for the biceps ez barbell curl.

Repeat the exercise as it was done in the first part of the workout.

3. For the back wide grip pull downs, pull the bar with a shoulders width grip to your chest.

And for the biceps reverse ez bar curl, when bringing the bar up to your chest lift your elbows up about four inches from your sides this will allow you to squeeze the muscle better at the top of the movement.

These two exercises are done the same as the two previous examples.

This will be enough for your biceps do not forget they are only a small muscle group and can be easily overtrained.

4. Bent over rows with dumbbells superset this time with seated wrist curls, make sure the wrist curls do not go below 12 reps as they respond better to high reps.

But keep the rows the same as the previous exercises going up in weight and down in reps.

Finish the workout with behind the back barbell wrist curls but with a close grip so the hand are almost touching.

Remember in all exercises stretch the back biceps and wrist during the exercises and in-between also to squeeze the muscles at the top of every movement.

This really is key to getting the best from your back biceps workout.

If you liked this article on how to have an intense back biceps workout then visit http://build-muscle-lose-weight.com for more free advice.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darren_Firths

Ripped Biceps - How to Shred Your Arms Like the Pro's

So you've been blasting away at your arms non stop but you're not seeing the ripped biceps you were expecting? Are you just not sure what you can do to really make your arms "pop?" Well try some of these tips and exercises to eek out that last bit of definition in your arms.

The key is to make as much human growth hormone (HGH) as possible in your arms. This accomplishes two things: it helps build your muscles and it's also the best fat burner known to man. You don't need to be a genius to know that bigger muscles and less fat equals great definition.

But how do you really get that HGH flowing to get your ripped biceps? Well I'll assume you're familiar with the "pump" when lifting. The key is to keep lifting through the pump. Your system will become flooded with HGH and lactic acid as it tries to repair your muscles after the strain you put on them. If you continue to lift while the HGH and lactic acid are flowing through you, more will be released and that's what we want.

The best ways I've found to keep this hgh flowing and to get ripped biceps is to to drop sets and super sets. If you're unfamiliar with these terms, drop sets are just doing as many reps as can all the decreasing the weight as it gets to heavy. For example, you do 8 curls with 40lb dumbbells, then do 6 with 35, 4 with 30 and so on. This really gets your muscles burning but it will totally pay off very quickly.

Super sets are just doing two or more exercises back to back, like doing 10 triceps extensions and then immediately doing 10 curls. These are great for all sorts of muscle groups and super setting opposing muscle groups can help you blast through workout more quickly and increase your fat burning potential even more.

I really like super setting tri's and bi's to get ripped biceps because your biceps need a strong base, your triceps, to really shine. On top of that, working out my tri's before my biceps in a super set actually helps me lift even more weight that I normally would.

If you want a really great bicep-bicep super set to get ripped biceps, try this. First start with some barbell curls; just do a normal set for 8-10 reps. Then immediately go into an incline dumbbell curl. Make this second set a drop set and do as many as you can. Your arms will be screaming but it will pay off very quickly. For an even bigger burn, throw in a triceps exercise like extensions right before the barbell curl to get some pretty sick results.

Getting ripped biceps is a totally achievable goal if you know what to do and how to get there. The key is you need a plan and have to follow through with it. Most people fail because they just keep doing what they've always done and never mix things up or really strive to push over their plateaus.

The biggest problem most people have with getting ripped biceps is that they don't have a plan. The second biggest is that they don't have the right plan and they're working out the wrong way.

Discover more about ripped biceps and learn how to put on more muscle in less time. Stop wasting your time in the gym and discover how to properly train to see the fastest and best results.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Felix_Schmieder

Triceps Biceps Workout

Triceps and biceps go together like peas in a pod, what I mean is without big triceps your biceps will look flat. So making sure you workout both sets of muscle groups is a must. Now I like to workout my triceps with my chest and my biceps on their own or with my back, but sometimes to shock the muscles back into growth, or just to change the routine a little I train triceps biceps together. If I am working out my triceps and biceps together I usually incorporate a super set training session. Below is one of my triceps biceps workouts.

In this exercise I like to warm the triceps up with cable pull downs done with a rope and then straight away warm up my biceps with a cable short bar curl so that the grip is about shoulders width apart, I find this hits the inner and outer biceps at the same time.

Warm the triceps and biceps up with 2 sets of 12-15 reps not stopping in-between exercises.

After the muscles are warmed up do not take a break, increase the weight so the reps are now between 10-12 continue to increase the weight in each exercises so straight after finishing the biceps close grip cable curl go straight back to the triceps rope push down, keep going until your reps range is about 6-8 you should find that in these two exercises you will have done a total of around 10 sets.

Next still keeping with the super set taking a dumbbell in each hand lay on a flat bench and perform triceps extensions.

In this exercises some people like to do theses with one hand at a time so as they start getting to failure they use the other hand to help them to get another couple of reps out, but because we are supper setting between triceps and biceps we don't want to give the biceps too much time to recover, so straight after you rep out 10-12 reps move to an incline bench lay on the incline bench and perform a set of seated concentration curls.

Continue with increasing the weight in both exercises so that by the end of the exercises you are hitting around 6-7 reps.

The final part of the workout is bench dips with a weight on your lap or is this is to heavy then just use body weight, keep your elbows in tight to your sides and your feet about brought back so they are just in front of your knees not out straight, this exercise will hit the inner head of the triceps as well as the outer head of the triceps.

Superset this with preacher bench biceps curls done with a cable and a close grip this will hit the outer head of the biceps.

I like to finish with these exercises for the triceps and biceps as in both exercises you can really hit the last of the fibres by doing burns, this is where you hold the weight for a couple of seconds or just hold the weight until the muscle gives out

Remember in this triceps biceps workout to squeeze the muscle at the top of every movement and stretch the muscle at the bottom also stretch the muscles in-between each exercise.

If you like this article on Triceps biceps workout visits http://build-muscle-lose-weight.com for more on triceps biceps workouts and training.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darren_Firths

Triceps and Biceps Workout Without Weights

Triceps and biceps workout without weights is a great way of continuing your training if you can't get to the gym or just want to have a workout at home, the exercises I am going to be showing you are a mixture of perfect pushups, chin ups and resistance training.

In The first triceps and biceps workout, we are going to be super setting between perfect pushups and medium grip chin up.

Start the workout with pushups but with your hands level with your shoulder and your elbows close to your sides, do a set of around 14-15 reps don't go over this as we are only warming up.

The reason for incorporating chin-ups with the push ups is because when you do push ups for the triceps it incorporates allot of the back muscles, so not are you only training your triceps and biceps but you are training your chest and back as well.

Without rest move onto the chin up bar and with a medium grip perform 13-15 reps, if you find that chin ups are too hard then you can put a chair under your feet and give yourself a little helping hand to hit the reps you are aiming for.

If on the pushups you want to add weight then put a rucksack on your back and fill it with something like water bottles, bags of food or something even heavier.

After performing theses two exercises move onto dips using a chair or if you have one a bench put a weight onto your lap if your bodyweight is not enough super set this with reverse grip chin ups this will work the outer head of the biceps and the forearms.

Perform at least 5 working sets so anything from 10-12 reps will be a working set.

As the sets go on you probably won't be able to do more than 8 reps for both of these workouts but just do as many as you can.

After the workout above you should have a good pump in your triceps, biceps, back and chest if not then you were not doing the exercises properly.

The next triceps and biceps workout without weights I am going to show you is done just with the resistance from you pushing one arm against the other.

Let me explain.

Sit on a chair with your elbow set on the inside of your leg as if you are going to perform a biceps concentration curl, hold your wrist with the other hand now bring the arm that is set on the inside of the leg up towards your chest but with the other hand try to stop the arm from coming up, by doing this the arm that is set on the inside of the leg will be workingout the biceps and the arm that is resisting the arm to curl up will be training the triceps muscle.

Once you have performed a set of 12-15 reps change arms so that the other arm is now training the biceps and the arm resisting is training the triceps muscle.

Don't rest in between go straight from one arm to the next.

The beauty of this exercises is that you can add as much or as little resistance as you want a bit like someone helping you to push the last lot of reps out.

This sort of triceps and biceps workout can be done with any biceps exercise for example hammer curl, standing biceps curl, reverse curl just hold the wrist with the other hand and push and pull so you workout the triceps and the biceps at the same time.

Try some of these triceps and biceps exercises without weight even mix the whole lot together depending on how advances you are I do have a lot more triceps and biceps workout without weights but that will do for now any way good luck and to your success.

If you like this article on Triceps and biceps workout without weight visits http://build-muscle-lose-weight.com for more on triceps biceps workouts and training.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darren_Firths

Sorting the Myths and Truths of Bodybuilding

Sorting the Myths and Truths of Bodybuilding

There are many reasons why people are attracted to bodybuilding. One of the most popular reasons is that guys like to build big muscles to impress the girls. Bodybuilding is also popular among those who want to lose weight. The reason bodybuilding is good for losing weight is that building muscle increases your metabolism. Increased metabolism helps to burn calories which in turns takes the weight off. Some use bodybuilding as a career choice because they love the competitions, intense training and the excitement of the sport. No matter what your reason is for bodybuilding, there are some important things to keep in mind while doing it. It is easy to become confused about what you hear or read concerning bodybuilding as there are many myths floating around. Knowing truth from myth can help you to make good decisions regarding your workouts that will lead to bodybuilding success.

Understanding proper diet can aid you in bodybuilding. Many people make the mistake of thinking that all foods containing fat are bad for your body when bodybuilding. The real truth is that a proper balance of fat and other food groups can accelerate your physical development. It can also be underestimated concerning how important protein is to the bodybuilder. On average a bodybuilder should consume 1.2 g of protein per lb. of bodyweight. Protein is not the only important nutritional component of bodybuilding, achieving the adequate ratio of carbohydrate to protein consumption is also important.

Steroids are not the only way to get the body desired by bodybuilders. Those professionals who value being healthy will tell you that good training principals include the understanding  that you need to combine a nutrient-rich diet with the proper amount of rest. This proper combo will give your the edge you need to create the body that family and friends will envy.

It is also a misconception that those who start bodybuilding may have and that is that they should work faster or do more reps to build muscle. The truth is that you need to rest and workout for best results. A good schedule is to alternate workout days with rest days. Another good idea is to build your rep sequence by 5. This workout/rest and rep build up by 5 is a good combination to keep in mind to build muscle mass.

Many beginners to bodybuilding will make the mistake of thinking that more reps you complete or the more equipment time or dumbbell time you log in, the faster you build muscle. A principal of bodybuilding is that it is important to workout until the muscle is fatigued. Each set is different and depending on what exercise you are doing, you may actually fatigue out muscle fibers in one set. You should concentrate on creating the kind of intensity in your workout that will allow you to drop or break-down sets so that you can actually rep out, by lowering the weight and then continue reps until you either cannot complete another rep or you run out of weight.

When you know the true facts about bodybuilding you can use them in your workout plan to give you a healthier and more productive workout. You can train your mind to follow the truth about bodybuilding much like you can have the discipline regarding the training of your body. Discipline on two levels - body and mind.

How To Succeed at Bodybuilding

How To Succeed at Bodybuilding

There are many reasons why people are attracted to bodybuilding. One of the most popular reasons is that guys like to build big muscles to impress the girls. Bodybuilding is also popular among those who want to lose weight. The reason bodybuilding is good for losing weight is that building muscle increases your metabolism. Increased metabolism helps to burn calories which in turns takes the weight off. Some use bodybuilding as a career choice because they love the competitions, intense training and the excitement of the sport. No matter what your reason is for bodybuilding, there are some important things to keep in mind while doing it. It is easy to become confused about what you hear or read concerning bodybuilding as there are many myths floating around. Knowing truth from myth can help you to make good decisions regarding your workouts that will lead to bodybuilding success.

Proper diet is very important when it comes to sculpting your body. Many people mistakenly think that all fat containing foods are bad and avoid them all together. The truth is that it actually is good to include the proper fats in the right ratio to other food groups to enhance your physical development. Most people underestimate the importance of protein needed by the body when taking part in this sport. The average bodybuilder needs approximately 1.2 g protein for every pound of bodyweight. Protein is only one of the important nutritional needs of muscle growth, achieving adequate carbohydrate/protein ratio in your diet is also important.

Steroids are not the only way to get the body desired by bodybuilders. Those professionals who value being healthy will tell you that good training principals include the understanding that you need to combine a nutrient-rich diet with the proper amount of rest. This proper combo will give your the edge you need to create the body that family and friends will envy.

^^Another misconception especially for those just are just starting out in bodybuilding is that the more you work out the faster you will build muscle. The truth is that you need to rest in between your workout days for optimum results. You need to do an alternate schedule like: workout day, rest day, workout day, rest day. You also will want to build your rep sequence by 5. This combination of workout/rest and increasing the rep sequence will give you the muscle mass that you desire.

Many beginners to bodybuilding will make the mistake of thinking that more reps you complete or the more equipment time or dumbbell time you log in, the faster you build muscle. A principal of bodybuilding is that it is important to workout until the muscle is fatigued. Each set is different and depending on what exercise you are doing, you may actually fatigue out muscle fibers in one set. You should concentrate on creating the kind of intensity in your workout that will allow you to drop or break-down sets so that you can actually rep out, by lowering the weight and then continue reps until you either cannot complete another rep or you run out of weight.

Knowing the true facts about bodybuilding and incorporating them into your workout plan will give you a healthier, more productive workout. Train your mind to stick to the truth about bodybuilding so that your workout discipline will play out on two levels, your body and your mind.

Bodybuilding is a Disciplined Art

Bodybuilding is a Disciplined Art

People are interested in bodybuilding for many reasons. The popular one among guys is so to build muscle and look good for the gals. Bodybuilding is popular among those who want to lose weight because building muscle increases your metabolism, which helps you to burn more calories needed to take off extra pounds. Bodybuilding can also be a career for those who love competition, intense training and the thrill of accomplishment. No matter why you decide to join the art of bodybuilding, there are some important aspects of the art that you should keep in mind. It is easy to confuse myth with reality and as with any art form that requires discipline, knowing the true facts can help to keep you on the right track towards success.

Proper diet is very important when it comes to sculpting your body. Many people mistakenly think that all fat containing foods are bad and avoid them all together. The truth is that it actually is good to include the proper fats in the right ratio to other food groups to enhance your physical development. Most people underestimate the importance of protein needed by the body when taking part in this sport. The average bodybuilder needs approximately 1.2 g protein for every pound of bodyweight. Protein is only one of the important nutritional needs of muscle growth, achieving adequate carbohydrate/protein ratio in your diet is also important.

Using steroids is not the only way to get the body most bodybuilders are envious of. Healthy professional bodybuilders will tell you that using good training principals and understanding the importance of a nutrient-rich diet in combination with the proper amount of rest will give anyone the edge you need to create the body that will be the envy of your family and friends.

Another misconception especially for those just are just starting out in bodybuilding is that the more you work out the faster you will build muscle. The truth is that you need to rest in between your workout days for optimum results. You need to do an alternate schedule like: workout day, rest day, workout day, rest day. You also will want to build your rep sequence by 5. This combination of workout/rest and increasing the rep sequence will give you the muscle mass that you desire.

Many who start out will mistakenly think that the more reps you complete or the longer time you spend on the equipment or lifting bells the more muscle you will build. One of the principals of bodybuilding is that you work out until the muscle is fatigued. Each exercise set is different. Depending on what you are doing, you can fatigue out muscle fibers in just one set, if what you are doing completely taxes out the muscle. A good rule of thumb is to create a kind of intensity in your workout where you drop or break-down sets in which you can actually rep out, by lowering the weight and then continuing doing reps until you either cannot do another rep or you run out of weight.

Knowing the true facts about bodybuilding and incorporating them into your workout plan will give you a healthier, more productive workout. Train your mind to stick to the truth about bodybuilding so that your workout discipline will play out on two levels, your body and your mind.

Bodybuilding Facts

Bodybuilding Facts

Bodybuilding attracts enthusiasts for many reasons. One of the more popular reasons among us is that they love to build those big muscles to impress the girls. Bodybuilding is also a popular way to lose weight because when you build muscle you increase your metabolism. Metabolism helps to burn calories and then you lose weight. There are those who do bodybuilding as a career because they enjoy the competitions, intense training and thrill of success. What ever your reason for bodybuilding, there are important aspects of the art that you should keep in mind to be successful. There are plenty of myths surrounding bodybuilding and sorting truth from myth will help you to be successful.

Understanding proper diet can aid you in bodybuilding. Many people make the mistake of thinking that all foods containing fat are bad for your body when bodybuilding. The real truth is that a proper balance of fat and other food groups can accelerate your physical development. It can also be underestimated concerning how important protein is to the bodybuilder. On average a bodybuilder should consume 1.2 g of protein per lb. of bodyweight. Protein is not the only important nutritional component of bodybuilding, achieving the adequate ratio of carbohydrate to protein consumption is also important.

It is not necessary to use steroids to achieve the kind of body, bodybuilders admire. Healthy professional bodybuilders state that there are good training principals that include the importance of having a nutrient-rich diet along with the proper rest. Having both nutrition and rest will create the body that others will envy.

It is also a misconception that those who start bodybuilding may have and that is that they should work faster or do more reps to build muscle. The truth is that you need to rest and workout for best results. A good schedule is to alternate workout days with rest days. Another good idea is to build your rep sequence by 5. This workout/rest and rep build up by 5 is a good combination to keep in mind to build muscle mass.

Some who first start out will make the mistake in thinking that the more reps you do or the longer time you spend working on the equipment, the more muscle you build. A principal of bodybuilding says that you workout until the muscle is fatigued. Each exercise set you do is different. Depending on what your set is like, it is possible to fatigue out in the first set, if what you do taxes out the muscle. A good rule to follow is to create an intensity in your workout by dropping or break-down sets in which you rep out or lower the weight and then continue to do reps until you either cannot do another rep or you run out of weight.

When you know the true facts about bodybuilding you can use them in your workout plan to give you a healthier and more productive workout. You can train your mind to follow the truth about bodybuilding much like you can have the discipline regarding the training of your body. Discipline on two levels - body and mind.