So you've been blasting away at your arms non stop but you're not seeing the ripped biceps you were expecting? Are you just not sure what you can do to really make your arms "pop?" Well try some of these tips and exercises to eek out that last bit of definition in your arms.
The key is to make as much human growth hormone (HGH) as possible in your arms. This accomplishes two things: it helps build your muscles and it's also the best fat burner known to man. You don't need to be a genius to know that bigger muscles and less fat equals great definition.
But how do you really get that HGH flowing to get your ripped biceps? Well I'll assume you're familiar with the "pump" when lifting. The key is to keep lifting through the pump. Your system will become flooded with HGH and lactic acid as it tries to repair your muscles after the strain you put on them. If you continue to lift while the HGH and lactic acid are flowing through you, more will be released and that's what we want.
The best ways I've found to keep this hgh flowing and to get ripped biceps is to to drop sets and super sets. If you're unfamiliar with these terms, drop sets are just doing as many reps as can all the decreasing the weight as it gets to heavy. For example, you do 8 curls with 40lb dumbbells, then do 6 with 35, 4 with 30 and so on. This really gets your muscles burning but it will totally pay off very quickly.
Super sets are just doing two or more exercises back to back, like doing 10 triceps extensions and then immediately doing 10 curls. These are great for all sorts of muscle groups and super setting opposing muscle groups can help you blast through workout more quickly and increase your fat burning potential even more.
I really like super setting tri's and bi's to get ripped biceps because your biceps need a strong base, your triceps, to really shine. On top of that, working out my tri's before my biceps in a super set actually helps me lift even more weight that I normally would.
If you want a really great bicep-bicep super set to get ripped biceps, try this. First start with some barbell curls; just do a normal set for 8-10 reps. Then immediately go into an incline dumbbell curl. Make this second set a drop set and do as many as you can. Your arms will be screaming but it will pay off very quickly. For an even bigger burn, throw in a triceps exercise like extensions right before the barbell curl to get some pretty sick results.
Getting ripped biceps is a totally achievable goal if you know what to do and how to get there. The key is you need a plan and have to follow through with it. Most people fail because they just keep doing what they've always done and never mix things up or really strive to push over their plateaus.
The biggest problem most people have with getting ripped biceps is that they don't have a plan. The second biggest is that they don't have the right plan and they're working out the wrong way.
Discover more about ripped biceps and learn how to put on more muscle in less time. Stop wasting your time in the gym and discover how to properly train to see the fastest and best results.
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