Are you confused about how to build lean muscle? I don't blame you, because there are so many different workouts, guides, plans and philosophies about building lean muscle, that it will make your head spin. The bodybuilding industry is huge and most of the time you are sold stuff that you are told you need, but you really do not need.
Everyone in the bodybuilding industry is trying to make profits and therefore something has to be sold to the public. Simple logic will tell you that after several decades, there really can not be anything really "new" out there. So the same old information is packaged as something "new" for the people. But the basic rules on ho to build lean muscle stay the same and knowing these simple rules is the foundation to your success, not any supplement or crazy workout.
The best way to build lean muscle, is to use relatively high rep range (around 12-15 reps), a lot of sets and short rest periods between sets. The key to building muscle is to get as much blood as possible to the muscle group you are working and to keep it there as long as possible. That is why it is important to do 6-7 or even 8 reps per exercise with lighter weights. That may seem to be a little extreme, but it works.
When your rest periods are very short between sets, then your weight training workouts also have a cardio effect. So you do not gain much fat, but mostly lean muscle. Too many people, use heavy weights, because their ego does not allow them to use lighter weights, but that does not build muscle that fast.
Another very important factor on how to build lean muscle is consistency. Most young guys, are not able to stick to something for long periods and have patience. A lot of people, come and go very quickly, because they are not consistent with their efforts. Building lean muscle, should be taken as a long-term journey, not a fast sprint.
The vast majority of people can successfully and effectively build lean muscle with simple and basic workouts, that are based on the higher rep range, lighter weights, basic exercises and 5-6 or more sets per exercise. There is absolutely no need for any crazy workouts that you find in magazines. Just stick with something that works and you will get results. And that is the truth on how to build lean muscle.
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