Three Top Tips For Bodybuilding Workout Exercises

There are some things that ever person must have in life. Long before you actually get to your bodybuilding workout exercises, there are other things you need so you can truly succeed at your bodybuilding program.

Consider this: How many times have you failed in your efforts to make major changes to your body? Once? Twice? Five times? A dozen? More? When have you wanted to lose weight and failed? Bulk up or get totally ripped -- and failed? Maybe you only wanted to fit into your wedding dress just once more -- and failed?

I know all about this. I know what that kind of failure is like. One day in my late-30's I took a long, honest look at myself in the mirror. I had a muffin top hanging over my belt. My skin was pasty and pale. I could barely see my toes, much less touch them. I resolved then and there to get into shape.

I decided to go for a jog -- short jog of about a mile and a half. I came back coughing, wheezing, and gasping for air. My wife was concerned; the kids looked at me like I was crazy. Despite my intense revulsion at my flab, I remained unconvinced of the wisdom of my idea. It was a long time before I attempted such a fool-hardy thing again.

Tip number one... The Inner Game

Let's face it. A huge list of bodybuilding workout exercises is not worth anything if you're not going to do them. You have to face the fact that you can't achieve ANY kind of breakthrough success overnight. So, the first tool you have to have in your inner game is patience.

The second component of your inner game has to be confidence. Have you ever been confident about anything in the past? Sure, you have. Remember what it felt like when you were confident then. Go on. Do it now. Get that same feeling back in your body and now hold onto that feeling as you consider doing your bodybuilding.

Motivation comes third. Connect with all the reasons you want to do those bodybuilding workout exercises to begin with. And don't just connect with the negative ones -- like "I don't want to be fat anymore", connect with the positive ones. For example, I want to be slim and strong and healthy. Moving away from "being fat" is great to get you started, but moving toward your ideal body will keep you going. Make sure you note the small progress you make toward your goal every day.

Rounding out the inner game is determination. When you fall off the horse, you have to get back on. Expect to have to deal with setbacks. Set your determination BEFORE you encounter the problems.

Tip number two... The Plan

It was about a year after my first jog that I decided to do it again. All I could say about that year was that I hadn't put on any more weight and I was watching what I was eating. I approached it a little bit more methodically this time. I used my engineering training to produce a roadmap for my conditioning. I did a little research; I made adjustments in my schedule, and then applied myself.

It's your life and if you want to succeed in your bodybuilding workout exercises, you had better work up a plan so that you can fit it into your life. If you're going to succeed, you have to have a plan -- otherwise, you won't know if you've succeeded. Right? A plan is the instrument whereby you can measure your success.

Take it easy on yourself. You can only control YOU! Plans are about controlling what you can control -- including your own responses to things you can't control.

Plan for the long term. Ask yourself good and honest questions. How long is it going to take you if you were to start today to get your body into your desired shape? If you work the plan regularly, where will you be a month from now? To get there, what do you have to do this week? Next week? Plan for the long term; manage the short term.

Tip number three... The Bodybuilding Workout Exercises themselves

Believe it or not, I worked my plan: cardio on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; weight training on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Rarely did I go out to lunch; rarely did I miss a workout. If I missed, I could shrug it off or I could make it up. MY choice. I have worked that plan for over 10 years now.

For bodybuilding, you have to master what I call The Big Three. You'll get big payback from the dead lift, the bench press, and the squat. Do these according the the following outline and you'll build muscle as quickly as possible. Of course there are lots of other exercises for you to fit into your workout.

* Find your maximum weight: this is an amount just below what you CANNOT lift.

* Design your sets such that you get a minimum of 12 reps per set.

* For maximum effect, your third set must be impossible for you to complete. This is the principle of muscle fatigue. Break down the muscle until it can't continue. It will recover stronger.

Today, I'm strong, fit and flexible -- oh yeah, I added yoga to my plan about 2 years ago. I can keep up with my granddaughter better than her parents can.

In many ways, the exercises are the least important of the tips. With the right mindset, and the right plan, you can do almost anything and get yourself fit. However, bodybuilding itself requires the highly focused exercises mentioned above.

Go for it!

To find more Bodybuilding Workout Exercises, check out my blog. And for body sculpting, see my partner's Brazil Butt Lift Workout site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sam_Enright