The Hidden Secrets To Creating A Flat Stomach

Many people who walk into fitness classes are interested in shredding fat from around the mid-section of the body. They are tired of the lumpy appearance and the extra fat that hangs over the top of their pants. The feel of their stomachs is no longer satisfying and they are uneasy putting on a bathing suit or enjoying intimate moments.

Can you relate to any of this? If so, then you may be interested in the secrets of fat burning for the mid-section participants learn when they come to the experts for advice and guidance. There isn't enough space here to reveal the in-depth information those participants will learn over time, but there is enough space to reveal the basic secrets. If you want to flatten your stomach and feel better about yourself, these secrets will give you a good start to success.

Target the Whole Body

Forget crunches and other floor exercises that strain the neck in attempt to isolate the ab muscles. You can strengthen those muscles, but that is not what will ultimately give you the flat stomach you really want.

A flat stomach is the product of two things:

1. Burning away the fat covering your beautiful abs.

2. Strengthening and toning the ab muscles so they are sharply defined.

If you want a ripped stomach or six-pack abs you will focus more on the strengthening, but you still have to burn the fat away from the muscle so you can see the definition. If your goal is a perfectly flat stomach but you don't care as much about chiseled six pack definition, you need to work on burning the fat under the skin and developing enough muscle and strength to support your body and look lean.

Here's the secret: you cannot burn fat specifically from the abdominal region. You have to focus on cardio exercise that burns fat from the body as a whole. You will naturally lose the fat from the stomach area along with body fat from other areas of the body.

For toning, try to work multiple body parts at once rather than isolating only the abdominals. This will give an even tone throughout the body that is very flattering. For instance, do a wide-legged squat then rise up to an overhead press with dumbbells. Hold your abdominals tight and crunch side to side before squatting again.

High Intensity Interval training (HIIT) is a great way to burn fat and circuit training is great for burning fat and toning when at once.

More Fat = More Time Investment

One of the major keys is nutrition. You can never out train a bad diet. You must stay away from high carbohydrate diets. The sugary drinks will also set you back tremendously.

Eat higher protein diets and focus on looking at food as fuel instead of a way to feel good.

The biggest secret you will learn is that lasting results come with time. The more fat you have covering your abdominals, the longer it will take to develop the flat stomach you want. The good news is you can speed up the process by working with professionals who know the deeper secrets to burning fat and building a strong, well toned body with a flat stomach.

You can find many products on the market that give you access to limited workouts and stomach-flattening exercises, but you will eventually outgrow those programs and the results will stall. It's best to dedicate your time and effort into learning the secrets.

Adam Luckey owns Bootcamp Temecula Which is the number 1 fitness and fat loss solution in the valley. He has a passion to see people take control of their lives by creating the body they deserve.

You can also check out the Bootcamp Temecula website to get a free week to his bootcamp.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Luckey