The Number 1 Secret to Quick Ways to Build Muscles - Discover the Key to Build Muscles Quickly

Okay, so you've learned about eating and resistance training to help provide quick ways to build muscles. But do you know what the #1 key secret ingredient is to building muscles the fastest way possible?

The most important factor (secret ingredient) in achieving fast muscle growth is using proper form and technique. And while this factor does apply to both your nutrition and training, this article will focus on the resistance exercise aspect.

Now at first glance at this you may think that one too many dumbbells have dropped on my head from doing skull crushers. To be honest, prior to my training in exercise science, I probably would have agreed with you. But let's look at it similar to the technique you would use in repainting your favorite vehicle. You can sand the exterior but without primer, it's highly unlikely you'll have a solid surface for the paint to stick to.

In the case of muscle building, you can lift all the weight you want. But without using proper form or technique, while you may be strengthening the muscle you have...you won't be adding new muscle. That is the reason why form and technique are key factors in providing quick ways to build muscles.

Here are the "golden rules" to applying proper form and technique:

Go the full range of motion - unless specifically training otherwise
Slow controlled moves - explosive move 1 to 2 second count on concentric/resistance. On eccentric/release use 3 to 4 second count
Proper breathing - exhale on concentric/resistance and inhale on eccentric/release
Use a spotter - increasing muscle mass requires consistently taking those muscles to failure. A spotter is necessary to make sure you are getting maximum work and can help you when your muscles have fatigued. That means "no quitting early"

Stop denying yourself the body that you want. Image all the benefits that you can enjoy by having a well built, fit muscular body. Get started at http://www.buildmusclebulk.com. Plus sign up for your gifts, a guide to help you avoid screwing up in the gym AND free on-line training to get the answers you need to build muscle quickly at quick ways to build muscles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tracy_Haynes