1. Take more proteins:
Most bodybuilding experts recommend taking a minimum amount of 2 gram (0.06 oz) protein on 1 kilo (2, 2 pounds) of your body weight. To make body grow faster its better to use 3 to 4 gram for each kilo of your body. Increased protein intake will strengthen protein synthesis and will protect muscle lysis. The final result will be anabolic reaction (qualitative muscle mass gain) instead of catabolic (muscle mass reduce)
Food: lean meat, boiled chicken chest, egg's proteins, lean curd or curd cheese. Also drink lots of protein having cocktails.
2. Increase carbohydrate intake:
Taking 6 gram of carbohydrate for each kilo of your body you will supply enough amounts of calories which is energy. That's how you will avoid proteins being scattered for energy use and instead that you'll be sure that all carbohydrates will be used for muscles recovery and mass grow.
Food: pasta, rice, buckwheat, cornflakes, oat flakes. Also drink full of carbohydrates having cocktails.
3. Take necessary fats:
Not every kinds of fat are the same. Omega-3 fat acids could be found in salmon. It will improve glycogen formation and improves protein synthesis. Eat salmon three times a week or take 5-7 gr. of fish oil daily.
Eat more nuts. Nut fats are good fats. This way you will provide your body with essential fats and higher volume of calories which are needed for body grow.
4. Make longer breaks between series:
Break between series helps muscles to recover. You'll be able to train with heavier weights if take longer brakes between series. It's simple: heavier weights (plus good technique) = more muscle weight. It is recommended to rest no less than two minutes but no more than three minutes within series
5. Eat six times a day:
Such frequent eating might be troubled but eating only four times a day helps only genetically awarded monsters. Plan your meal each 2-3 hours. Such eating type will help to absorbed food better and gain weight faster.
Eat qualitative food 3-5 times a day (boiled chicken chest, egg's proteins, pasta, rice, buckwheat, cornflakes, oat flakes). In between, use compounds which are high in proteins and carbohydrates. Accordingly those 6 meals per day could be formed. If eating 4 times than 2 cocktails needed, if 5 times than 1 cocktail.
6. Do not ignore sugar:
Quick assimilated carbohydrates, such as sugar, can be very beneficial. Take simply absorbed carbohydrates immediately after exercising to avoid cortisol production (muscle destruction hormone) and increase insulin production. Take 80-130 gr. of carbohydrates immediately after training. At least half of them should be quick assimilated carbohydrates.
7. Increase anabolic body reactions:
Every human body secrets anabolic hormones ( growth men hormone - testosterone) In order to secret these hormones more drink natural hormone secretion stimulating drinks.
8. Try few repeats and heavy weights combination:
Basic exercises (squats, barbell push from chest while lying, dead lifts) try to do little repeats (2-4) with maximum weight. These hard complex exercises are essential for maximum muscle growth.
9. Drink insulin emission stimulating drinks:
400 mg of alpha lipoic acids will improve carbohydrate access to muscles even without insulin emission, 200 mcg of chrome will increase muscle sensitivity for insulin and 6 grams of BCAA will improve insulin emission. This cocktail can be used with simple absorbed carbohydrates (read 6th point)
10. Limit training time:
Volume of exercising could be characterized as number of series which is done for one separate muscle. When doing a lot of series for the same muscle you are stimulating catabolic (muscle destructing) hormone emission what is negatively influential for muscle recovery and growth. Ideal volume of exercising for muscle growth is 6-8 repeats which are dueled from two exercises for little muscle groups and 10-12 repeats compounded from three exercises for big muscle groups.
Start building your body today! Visit [http://find-your-health-food-store.com/Whole-natural-and-high-protein-food.html] for more free valuable information on your protein high food and supplement usage.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrius_Kaseta