Mental Imagery Is The Super Secret Tip To Gain Muscle Mass


In any kind of sport mental imagery has to be used in order for the athlete to get the best out of their training, and eventually from that they will become successful. The athletes which get the fastest progress and eventually become the best in the world use mental imagery. Don't believe me, look at Arnold Schwarzenegger his extensive use of mental imagery led him to become the best bodybuilder in the world, actor and eventually governor of the state of California. To gain muscle mass fast you have to use imagination because doing that extra rep or set will make you grow, you just have to imagine it.

How To Do It:

Let's say you are doing dumbbell curls to make your biceps bigger, before doing your set you have to use mental imagery. Imagine your biceps as huge mountains with huge peaks, valleys and rivers flowing thorough it and with every single squeeze and rep those peaks, valleys and rivers grow bigger and bigger. You might think that using mental imagery is stupid, but without it your workouts will be empty. Without mental imagery you will not be able to progress each gym workout. Without mental imagery you will just be the average man or woman in the gym not progressing in terms of muscle growth, fat loss and so on.

P.S, below I will list what the mountains, valleys, peaks and rivers actually mean to me when I do any kind of bicep exercise.

Mountains: Represents the sheer rugged mass of my biceps.

Valleys: Represents the lean mass of my biceps and every single strand of the muscle fiber.

Peaks: Represents the massive peak of my biceps.

Rivers: Represents the veins on my biceps, they should be overflowing with blood and should be able to burst any minute.

Tom Platz Story:

Tom Platz is a man of his time, he was known to have massive legs due to his high intensity training and imagination which he used during training. For example, Tom used to wear high socks to trick his mind into thinking that his legs are shorter than they were. He also visualized his body as a piston, it should be straight and it should not clank and move around when he did squats. You see with his awesome mental imagery he was able to build the biggest legs in bodybuilding history. You too can also do the same, but you have to imagine it, don't give up!

Also check out my website for the latest no rubbish advice on bodybuilding http://nobullshitbodybuilding.wordpress.com. Thank you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Petar_Aki

How to Properly Gain Muscle Mass the Right Way

A lot of men want to know just how to get muscles, the problem is however that most men don't know how to go about building muscle the proper way. After long hard workouts in the gym, 5 days a week, they still do not see the gains they want to see. Often times this is when men get discouraged and can't seem to figure out just what is going wrong in their workout plan. Well, in this article, I'm going to take a look at some of the major problems that cause men not to be able to gain muscle mass.


This is probably the biggest issue when it comes to men not being able to put on muscle mass, they over-train. Over-training is just what it sounds like, working muscles so much they don't grow because they don't have time to repair and recover. In the gym, the key is to just stimulate the muscle and then allow the muscle proper time to recuperate and grow. That is why I suggest working muscle groups 1 time per week. A full weight workout at the gym should not take longer than 50 minutes. Anything over 50 minutes and you are really just getting into the area of over-training.

So just what should you be doing in the gym? Well in a nutshell, to gain muscle, 4 exercises per body part works great. Two warm up sets with 12 to 15 reps, two heavy sets with 6 to 8 reps and then on to the next exercise. Remember, if you are not burning between reps 6 to 8, you need to go up in weight.

Diet and Nutrition

Here's another huge area where a lot of men fail, with diet and nutrition. In order to grow properly, men you are going to have to take in some serious calories so your body can repair and grow. When you work out you are burning calories and you need to put more calories back into your body in order to repair and well you guessed it, grow!

I suggest eating 5 to 6 meals a day and adding a quality whey isolate protein supplement. So here's how you do it, if you weigh 100 pounds, you want to multiply 100 by 1.5. This gives you 150. This is the number of grams of protein you want every day. So now you divide 150 by 5 to give you 30 and that is how many grams of protein you want per meal. Do this same calculation for carbohydrates but using the number 2. So in other words, if you weight 100, you are going to be eating 200 grams of carbohydrates per day.

If you continue to eat consistently and take in the proper amount of calories, and the right calories like protein and complex carbs, you won't have any other choice but to grow muscle mass!


Here's a huge problem that we all tend to have with everything we try to do, consistency. In order to really grow muscle mass and make significant gains, you are going to need to stay consistent. This means no skipping workouts and no skipping meals. When you skip workouts and skip meals you can definitely expect to not see any significant gains. The key to gaining muscle mass is consistently doing a number of things over and over.

Check out the answer to the question of, " How to get muscles [http://www.thehealthnutonline.net/how-to-get-muscles.html]?" Take a look at the workout plan that took me from 120 to 200 pounds! This workout will help you definitely gain muscle mass [http://www.thehealthnutonline.net/build-muscle-mass.shtml] the right way!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Elvis_Jackson_Jr.

Build Muscle Mass And Raw Power Like A Gorilla

Ever see a gorilla? They're huge. A gorilla's upper-body strength is so great, he could literally tear your head off with his bare hands.

But gorillas don't go to the gym and work out, right? So you're probably asking yourself what this has to do with building muscle mass. Maybe you think just because they are the strongest primate, that doesn't mean you can learn anything from them.

Here's the thing...

If you want to look strong as well as be strong, it pays to work out like a gorilla. Because they get huge just by going about their daily business. They must be doing something right.

They are doing something right, and I'll tell you what it is.

Gorillas spend all day either walking around on their hands and feet, or climbing. In fact, they split their time equally between the ground and the trees. And this is the secret to their muscle building success.

When they are gorilla-walking on the ground, they support a lot of their weight with the arms. This is a pushing movement similar to push-ups and dips. Doing this all day long really builds the muscle mass in the chest, shoulders, and the back of the arms.

Now, you've never seen a gorilla doing a bench press. All they do is push their weight around as they walk through the jungle. But it works; they build muscle mass that would put a strongman to shame.

The secret is high repetitions, just like if you were to do easy sets of push-ups all throughout the day. No need to do a huge set until you are so fatigued you can't more your arms. If you do smaller sets all day long, you won't get overly tired, but your muscles will grow.

But wait, they do more than just walk around. Gorillas climb up into the canopy too. And this climbing is the other secret that explains why their muscles are large and powerful.

Climbing works the back and the biceps. But just because you don't live in the jungle doesn't mean you can't use this style of exercise to build your own lats and biceps until they're much larger and more powerful than they are now.

Pull-ups simulate the climbing motion, and since there are so many different variations you can do, you'll hit your back and biceps from different angles so they never develop any weak spots.

And there you have it. It's this combination of pushing and pulling exercises for the upper body that will make you more powerful and capable that anyone who wastes his time with biceps curls or other non-functional exercises. Gorillas make it work, and so can you.

All you need is a minute to drop and do a set of push-ups, and a place to bang out a quick set of pull-ups. No need to go all crazy and work until your arms fall off. If you do quick, easy sets all throughout the day, you'll work up to the point where you have unbelievable work capacity and serious, bone-crunching power, just like our jungle-dwelling cousins.

Here's my best advice to you: get a doorway pullup bar and pop it into a doorway in your house. Use it every time you pass through that door. No need to tire yourself out, in a few weeks or months you'll have plenty of muscle mass. Check out chinning bars for pull-up tips and techniques.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Urville

Build Muscle Mass Fast - How to Gain Muscles Fast and Safe

Contrary with popular opinion as so many experts say you should build your muscle slowly otherwise you will get injury; there is a safe way to build muscle mass fast safely. Having big muscle mass can benefit you a lot such as increased self confidence and increased self immune system. Not to mention, muscles are active fat burners and can help you lose weight fast.

1. Proper Diet

In order to build muscle fast the first thing you want to do is having proper balanced diet on hands. Your diet must contain a balanced composition between protein, vitamin, carbohydrate, mineral, salt, fat and water.

The example of foods rich in protein are poultry, fish, beef, pork, lamb and lean meat, it is important to rotate your food selection everyday so your body will not get bored and this ensure high absorption rate still in place. Don't forget to include vegetables and cereals in your overall diet plan, and drink a lot of water.

2. Fat

Many experts in muscle building will suggest staying away from fat. Excluding fat may help increase your muscle mass for years, but if you want to quickly build your muscle mass you should include fat. Eat in a pre-determined time frame such as during breakfast and after workout.

3. The Principle Of Building Muscle

The principle to build muscle fast is easy the calories you put into your body must be more than your body takes to perform your daily activities. Consuming whey protein is one of the most effective ways you can make sure the calories you take always more than out.

Consume the whey protein before and after workout. Before workout the whey protein will give necessary energy to do workout. Meanwhile after the period of workout, whey protein will give you necessary component to build your muscle.

Also combining some of these; amino acids, glutamine, and creatine can help streamline your muscle building effort.

If you want to gain muscle fast, i recommend you check out Jon Benson 7 minute muscle [http://www.7minutemusclereview.net]. Read my 7 minute muscle review [http://www.7minutemusclereview.net] and learn how to build your muscles in just 7 minutes a day.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_K_Lim

If You Are Skinny, Gain Muscle With This One Weird Tip

Skinny? Gain muscle fast by following this one counter intuitive tip that seems to be lost amongst a lot of mainstream bodybuilding magazines that focus on supplements and workouts more than the real things that help skinny guys gain muscle which is half knowledge and half mindset.

In any case... here is the tip you need to know before you will see the gains you want as a hardgainer.

Focus on the workouts absolutely last!

Sounds weird right? The workouts are the central thing you might be thinking, the reason muscles get bigger and if I don't do them right I am screwed!


Your workouts are important yes, but those that focus first on the right way to lift weights and which muscle groups you need to concentrate on and so forth does not get the most benefit for their time.

Instead you should be focusing on the back end of muscle building. Your diet, nutrition, recovery and even your motivation and mindset should come before the workouts.

The reason for this is that lifting weights will spark the muscle growth that will follow over the next few days. It sets a blueprint for muscle building if you like but the actual growth does not come from this.

What you really for skinny gain muscle success is to make sure you know all about how to get the energy you need in the right amounts and the right types to be able to build the muscle when you are sleeping and at rest and make sure you have the right mindset to follow all these things through without skipping around.

That is the tip you need. Knowledge of the back end of bodybuilding not just getting the "pump" and thinking you are done because that is not real muscle growth.

So to learn more about the details of these things for skinny muscle gain click below and get what you need to know to get buff and ripped fast without falling for the many supplement scams that are out there.

Skinny Gain Muscle

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_Mclain

Female Bodybuilding Fitness - How to Start

Female bodybuilding fitness can be daunting for the beginner. Where to start? How to learn muscle building quickly and effectively? How not to waste time getting no results? Here are some excellent basics you need to learn about female bodybuilding fitness which should propel you to seeing the results you want to see quickly and effectively.

1. Weightlifting.

Obviously to build your muscles quickly, lifting weights is going to be what gets the job done. Don't be intimidated by weightlifting! It is very straight forward and you can catch on how to train properly very quickly if you follow the right advice and routine. Basically you have a bunch of different muscles you will be training. You will split those muscle groups up into different days (one day you will train your chest, your triceps, and your shoulders for instance. This is just an example of a common split.) And then another day you will train a different set of muscles. Once you have it all on paper, know your routine, then you can pick up the weights and go at it.

2. Eating.

What many newcomers don't realize is just how important eating is to female bodybuilding fitness. It's not about "dieting", more than it's about eating the right foods at the right times throughout the day. Eating properly (the right amount of protein/carbs/and fats throughout the day) will make the difference between barely average results to outstanding results. Once again, eating is not hard to figure out once you have a good plan in front of you.

3. The Routine.

To see results quickly and not waste time with your training, a good routine is essential. A routine will consist of a workout program and eating recommendations. The workout program will consist of a body part split to follow and the proper number of sets and reps. An eating program will consist of the right portion and combination of food to eat to put on muscle while getting lean.

Want to see an awesome Female Bodybuilding Fitness routine? Check it out at http://femalefitnesssecrets.blogspot.com/

You'll get results quickly on this great female bodybuilding fitness routine - http://femalefitnesssecrets.blogspot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessica_Flowers

Bodybuilding Devolved From Healthy Fitness Training


Bodybuilding, lovely as it is, negatively evolved from health practices and fitness training exercises that ancient civilizations used to keep fit. Professional bodybuilding reaches a glorious termination when a bodybuilder holds the statuette of MR. Olympia, modeled in honor of Eugene Sandow, the father of modern bodybuilding. Nevertheless, before Sandow came by, core bodybuilding exercises had been in practice for centuries among the Greek, Indians, Egyptians, Africans, Americans and many other communities. What Sandow and his followers did was to corrupt those healthy fitness exercises into an entertainment sport.

How did this happen? Let us go over the devolvement eras and see the divorce process of bodybuilding from healthy fitness training exercises.

Health Based Weight Training Era

Weight training was an ancient general athletic activity in many communities. The weight training exercises and equipments used varied, but the intent was similar, amplifying body health and strength for personal reasons. In the ancient Greek and Egyptian societies men initially trained to keep physically fit, agile and strong. They primarily used huge stones to seek bodily development into healthy physiques.

At this time, every man had to seek strenuous physical activities daily as a means of 'staying a man'. These were combined with supremely healthy diets and natural herbs. There was never any need for physical display as a goal of engaging in the physical fitness exercises.

In India, by the 11th Century we had stone dumbbell weights (locally called Nals) lifted by men who wanted to enhance their physical health and stamina. Note, the most important aim was to help the men overcome numerous challenges that daily activities presented. By the 16th century, physical training gyms became commonplace in the India region and health based weight training, an India's national hobby.

Health Based Strength Training Era

Soon enough however weight training lost the noble intention of health and stamina and slowly emphasized physique development. Still, the exercises were not meant to develop the body for show but for strength in strongman competitions. This was a healthy dimension too since strength was built up in healthy practices that included proper dieting and daily physical activities.

Nevertheless, the idea of thrilling crowds gradually crept in as men engaged in amazing feats of personal strength. Professional strongman competitions saw weight training intensify from primitive stone lifting practices into psycho lifting sessions within dark dungeons. The physical fitness and strength training practice became hugely popular across Asia.

Although onlooker amusement had crept into the training goals, the exercises were still within the precincts of fitness and body health. Some examples of the fitness exercises included pulling carts, running with weights, lifting animals etc. The physique definition still did not matter.

Bodybuilding for Display Era

For a long time (between 16th and 17th Century) Asians and especially Indians, learnt the essence of training and dieting to develop the body for display purposes. Strongman competitions gained an exhibitive edge and competitors started removing their clothes. The practice was similar across the world communities. Celebrating the human body's muscular development became a prominent Greek ideal during this time. By the 19th Century, physical exercises were no longer for strength or stamina.

Weight training took on a totally different meaning from the ancient tradition of health based fitness training. New training system evolved and the goal became displaying physiques for entertainment purposes. Europe exacerbated the physical display culture where body symmetry became the aesthetic goal of training and not health or physical fitness. It was this culture that the 20th Century Eugene Sandow met and perfected. Modern bodybuilding where muscle mass display and definition overtook health conscious physical training had been born.

Modern Bodybuilding Era

Modern bodybuilding can be traced perse to around 1890s when Eugene officially crafted a body display sport as a profession. He is thus rightly famed as the grandfather of modern bodybuilding. He was a phenomenon hit as a pioneer in muscle mass and strength accumulation. The competitive sport gradually grew to exclusively feature the best muscle mass in total disregard of physical fitness or of the healthiness of the individual's practice while gaining that mass. That is the tradition to which we were born and to which some still live.

Muscle Craze Era

Within the modern bodybuilding era, there was three decades that were so profound that they deserve a special mention. Beginning 1960 and up to 1990, muscle mass generation became the greatest craze that ever hit the bodybuilding industry. Anabolic steroids became a staple. Despite the anabolic steroids being grossly dangerous to health, they were used in their tons if only to gain an inch of muscle.

Bodybuilding Health Era

Luckily, we have awoken to the fact that gaining muscle mass and strength should never have to compromise on our health or our physical fitness. There is no reason why I should loose my kidney just to gain a marvelous bicep. Acne, cancer and the hundreds of other side effects of steroids can never be borne just because you want some muscle mass.

The current era in bodybuilding, emphasizes on an individual who trains natural, trains hard not just for muscle but also for a comprehensively healthy body. The idea is to be masculine, healthy and physically fit. Bodybuilding training is slowly returning into the shoes of the primitive art where health and fitness are the driving goals of bodybuilding training.

There is a link between a bodybuilding lifestyle and optimal health. Once an individual strikes that link, he or she attains optimal physical fitness as a by-product. With the right information, you can easily set up a training regimen that is centered on bodybuilding health. From this program, muscle mass and strength will accrue and with it physical fitness.

Machahi John Joel is a successful body builder who has spent the last four years pumping iron. It is from this background that he now writes expert articles trying to expound on the link between bodybuilding, health and physical fitness. Learn more about that critical link at [http://digitalhealthandfitness.com/]. In this information age, you need a digital connection to a happy life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Machahi_John_Joel

Contextualizing Modern Bodybuilding in Health and Fitness

Bodybuilding health is a new concept that finds a very stratified society. We are bodybuilders and they are just fitness trainers. The feeling is mutual the other way round. The concept of marrying health and fitness into bodybuilding training is alien to us and even opposed at some quarters. Let us take a brief walk through the history of bodybuilding so that you may appreciate why bodybuilding health is the hybrid engagement that best fits your life.

Eugen Sandow, our honored father of the modern bodybuilding as we know it, started the art at around 1880's. His sole intent was to reconfigure his physique attractively for public display. To him muscles became the ultimate achievement of bodybuilding training. That is the heritage granted us all through the decades up to the moment Dexter Jackson lifted up the 2008 Mr. Olympia trophy, and even today. Through all these years, bodybuilding was never been meant to improve one's health and quality of life. It was all an addiction to muscle mass, muscle strength, pump and physique dimensions.

When the first-ever grand bodybuilding competition hit the America continent on January 16, 1904 at the New York's Madison Sq. Garden, Al Treloar won because he was the most masculine and not because he was healthy or because he was leading a good life.

Joe Weider and his brother Ben came into the game to facilitate a more specialized muscle-based bodybuilding training that had nothing to offer the health and fitness of an individual. Theirs was the muscle mass business. Larry Scott, the muscle legend, Sergio Oliva and Serge Nubret were the stars of the 60's muscle mass decade.

Every bodybuilder worth his or her salt loves the three decades spanning from 1960 to 1990. These were the decades in which bodybuilding became the most noble of all training regimens ever known to man. It gained prestige and prominence across the globe.

Just ask the IFBB. They will tell you a tale of smudging success and infinite returns. But what do you know? These were the decades in which anabolic steroids came into the scene and ruled bodybuilding training. Anabolic steroids became a staple diet not only in bodybuilding but also in others sports. Nevertheless, it was in bodybuilding that it lived as a legit diet until the governments came to the rescue with policy enactments.

We who are conversant with the bodybuilding lore know that these decades saw the rise of unbelievable mass monsters. Name the greatest among them, the indomitable Arnold Schwarzenegger or the peers along him the likes of Lou Ferrigno, Franco Columbu, Dorian Yates and Lee Haney. Do not forget the building of a man, legendary Ronnie Coleman or Paul DeMayo for that matter. These noble men defied all norms, crafted history, set trends, dominated the globe and touched the zenith of bodybuilding glory. However, while looking like gods from the outside, most of these legends were living on anabolics, the amount that would fell an elephant.

The debate here will not be whether they were right or wrong. It is not even, whether anabolic steroids are good or bad. It is about what medical research has authenticated. Bodybuilding on anabolic steroids is buying a ticket to the grave. It is a total disregard of health. The sad thing is that even if anabolic steroids are banned and regulated today, they are the chief aides in modern bodybuilding even now. A cursed inheritance it is, accrued from ages when health and fitness were separated from bodybuilding training.

Every time an individual pursues a bodybuilding program without the sole intent of developing a supremely healthy and fit physique, he or she falls prey to anabolic steroids soon or later, or at least to the abuse of bodybuilding supplements. At the end, a bodybuilding program becomes the path to cancer, to kidney failure, to hypertension, to heart problems, to dysfunctional sexual organs, to skin complications and to a myriad of health complications.

That is why modern bodybuilding emphasizes the hybrid of bodybuilding training with contemporary health and fitness practices. We have learnt from the mistakes of the past and we are determined not to make them again. Our health depends on it, even as we pump iron. To any natural bodybuilding fan, bodybuilding health is the new dimension that marries bodybuilding programs to health and fitness.

There is a link between a bodybuilding lifestyle and optimal health. Once an individual strikes that link, he or she attains optimal physical fitness as a by-product. With the right information, you can easily set up a training regimen that is centered on bodybuilding health. From this program, muscle mass and strength will accrue and with it physical fitness.

There is a link between a bodybuilding lifestyle and optimal health. Once an individual strikes that link, he or she attains optimal physical fitness as a by-product. With the right information, you can easily set up a training regimen that is centered on bodybuilding health. From this program, muscle mass and strength will accrue and with it physical fitness.

Machahi John Joel is a bodybuilder who passionately writes on the bodybuilding health concept, trying to establish the crucial link existing between bodybuilding, health and fitness. The author can be reached at jojoma@digitalhealthandfitness.com. Alternatively, keep logging on to http://www.digitalhealthandfitness.com [http://digitalhealthandfitness.com/] where we are intent on providing you with the modern bodybuilding resources that will help you generate supreme physique definition, muscle mass and muscle strength within the essential limits of contemporary health and fitness [http://digitalhealthandfitness.com/].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Machahi_John_Joel

Bodybuilding Diet Plan - A Terse Guide to Diet Fitness

Modern times have changed the way men and women think about beauty, health and other related ideas. One prominent change that has occurred in the outlook of people is the way they should look - particularly their body shape. Today, people are more conscious about their health and fitness as compared to the people in the past. Apart from this, they desire to sculpt their bodies in order to achieve that magazine-cover look. Due to this, one ever growing industry is the health industry - this includes health spas, gyms, and fitness clubs. A perfect body can be achieved through a smart bodybuilding plan - a diet and exercise program.

Although exercise plans have immense importance when bodybuilding is the goal to achieve, but a healthy bodybuilding diet plan can never be ignored. You must choose to eat food that assures your fitness and health with all kinds of heavy and routine exercises that you carry out for shaping your body. To put it in a nutshell, a bodybuilding diet plan is as important as an exercise plan.

A well prepared and well executed bodybuilding diet plan provides your body all the essential nutrition that you need, when your muscles are worn-out. It also promises a healthy growth. Professionals and experts have established many different strategies; programs; and methods for bodybuilding. However, the problem is to choose one perfect plan that may suit your requirements and your bodily needs the best.

There are basically two types of most popular diet plans for body building - high carbohydrate diet and high fat diet. In order to choose one that may work wonders for you, you need to examine your health and fitness requirements. As the names indicate, high carbohydrate diet plan is the one which focuses on carbohydrate-rich food while high fat diet plan endorses food that is rich in fat.

High carbohydrate diet helps store glycogen in muscles and liver, which offers energy to the body. On the other hand, fat is the richest source of calories. Keeping these facts in mind, it is recommended that you either choose to follow high carbohydrate diet with low fat diet or low carbohydrate diet with high fat diet. High carbohydrate diet and high fat diet shall not be followed at the same time.

Your bodybuilding diet plan has to be well in accordance with your individual needs and requirements. Either you can search down a suitable plan for yourself on the internet or you can ideally contact a fitness expert to help you out with it. We wish you all the very best in your struggle to carve your body out in a perfect shape.

To learn more about bodybuilding diet plan [http://www.howto-getasixpackfast.com/how-to-get-abs-in-a-week.php] and diet fitness, log on to our website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amna_Tariq_Shah

Best Muscle Building Exercise - Gain Muscle Fast With the Deadlift

This article is going to focus on one of the best muscle building exercises you should include into your training regime. The exercise am talking about of course is the "Dead lift", this is without doubt one of the most effective upper body workouts you can do and will help you to build a rock solid and powerful body in the quickest possible time.

All that is required for this exercise is a barbell and a flat steady surface. All you do then is add as much weight as you can sensibly manage, straighten your back and lift the bar of the ground in one steady movement.

The reason why the dead lift is so popular amongst bodybuilders is because it allows you to gain muscle fast and in lightening quick time too. Simple you could say! Well not really, nothing is ever simple when it comes to building muscle. Although this is one of the best muscle building exercises you can do, it is also one of the most painful and energetic exercises also.

If you do them the correct way, then you will probably at times experience shortness of breath as well as feeling sick and light headed, this is how tough they are, but if you want to gain muscle fast then you will just have to get on with it, simple as that!

There will not be any part of your body that will be left out doing this exercises, it really is that good. Every muscle in your body will take a battering to some degree. Once you start to dead-lift on a regular basis you will start to gain muscle almost everywhere, especially on your back and legs. The benefits of doing regular dead-lifts are endless and once you have been doing this exercise for several weeks you will notice that your other workouts, such as bench press and barbell curl will increase due to your new found strength.

Below is a basic instructions of how to do a bent leg dead-lift:

You should place your feet about shoulder width apart, grip the bar with hands that are placed just outside your legs. Hold the bar, ensure that one palm faces in and the other palm faces out, or use a simple overhand grip. There is no right or wrong grip, just pick one that is comfortable for you.

Now you need to get yourself into the squatting position with the bar close to your shins, then lift the weight of the floor by forcing up your legs, make sure you keep your back straight, your abs tight and keep your head up. You should then follow the same instructions to lower it to the floor. You should keep doing this until your legs are no longer able to lift the weight, this is what is known as muscular failure and will help you to gain muscle fast. You should be looking at doing this exercise about once a week with about 1-2 all out sets.

One last thing to mention. Since dead-lifts allow you to lift a large amounts of weight, you should pay attention to your form when doing them, incorrect form can cause you an injury, so remember to keep the weight close to your body and keep your back flat at all time. A good idea is to practise with lighter weights so that you can get used to mastering the correct form of the exercise.

You now know how to do one of the best muscle building exercises on the planet and if you do them on a regular basis then you will simple see results. The dead-lift will provide you with a powerful body and will help you to gain muscle fast on all parts of the body.

Below is a review to a great resource that will help you to gain muscle fast without using drugs or steroids.This really is a must read if you want to build muscle the correct and only way.You owe it to yourself to at least read it! Best Muscle Building Review [http://www.bestmusclebuilding.net]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Colin_Lin

Tips on Finding the Best Way to Gain Muscle Mass

Men young and old are always looking for the best way to gain muscle mass so they can have a more appealing physique. But the problem is most men don't understand the best way to gain muscle. Most men don't understand how to build muscle mass because they make it too complicated for themselves.

So today, I'll share 3 simple tips so you can understand the best way to gain muscle mass.

3 Tips for the Best Way to Gain Muscle Mass

1. Keep things simple.

Building muscle mass can be extremely complex and difficult. Beginning with countless training methods and the corresponding training plans along with a wide range of different sports nutrition products will leave anyone dumbfounded. Most guys see this and give up since it looks downright overwhelming. Making things complicated deprives you of motivation, which is essential for the best way to gain muscle. In order to improve your body, you must keep things as simple as possible and focus only on the essentials.

2. Training with heavy weights.

For the best way to gain muscle, you must train hard and heavy with exercises such as squats, deadlifts and bench press. It is a fact that compound exercises address different muscle groups simultaneously, which outperforms other exercise. The reason is that compound exercises mainly address the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which grow quickly and are responsible for extreme power release. In contrast, the slow-twitch muscle fibers are more important for the increase in endurance performance.

But even if compound exercises are the best way to gain muscle, they must be performed correctly. This aspect is tricky since you need to balance performance along with your form. In other words, heavy training does not mean to just lift the heaviest weights possible. Instead heavy training means training with a weight that is challenging for you, but will not cause to train to failure. In other words, never train to failure and allows leave a "couple reps in the tank" for your next workout.

3. Forget about the other athletes at your gym. Focus on yourself.

The best way to build muscle mass is all about out lifting everyone in the gym. Correct? Wrong! The best way to gain muscle is all about focusing on and achieving your personal goals. So instead of trying to out-bench everyone in the gym from day one, focus on progressing towards a 200 pound press by adding a small amount of weight to the bar each time you train. Once you accomplish a 200 pound bench then focus on building a 300 pound bench. This is what gaining muscle is all about. Having personal goals and achieving them.

So there you have it 3 basic tips to help you build muscle. Just make sure to keep it simple, lift heavy, and start achieving your goals, which will translate into building more muscle.

If you enjoyed reading about simple ways to gain muscle mass then be sure to check out Bona Fide Fitness Reviews [http://bonafidefitnessreviews.com/] where our focus is finding simple and effective solutions for your health and fitness needs. In the end, simpler is always better.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_J_Brennan

Best Exercise to Gain Muscle - 5 Exercises to Boost Your Muscle Growth

In order to be successful in building muscle mass, you should be aware about the best exercise to gain muscle. But this does not mean that you will limit yourself to doing these same exercises in the gym over and over again. These are simply exercises that you must include in your workout routine, and if you are already doing these types of exercises, then put more emphasis on them than the other workout exercises that you do.


Most fitness buffs are aware that doing squat exercises is important if you are trying to build muscles, and what to have bigger legs. When you do squats, make sure that you arch your back well, from the time that you pick the weight until you rack it. Also, your head must be at your back, and your chest out, while your feet must be spread a little wider than your shoulder width.


Deadlift exercises are best done on those days that you are working out your back areas. This exercise is best for gaining overall strength and building thickness on the mid up to the lower portion of your back. You can do deadlift exercises at anytime during your workout, but it is better to do such exercises on the later part of your workout routine.

Bench Press

Some fitness experts call the bench press exercises as the "bread and butter" to building the chest area, and it's also one of the best exercise to gain muscle. Bench press helps to build the muscles on your chest area, as well as the triceps at the back of your arms and the front deltoid shoulder muscles as well. This exercise can be done either with barbells or dumbbells, or with the use of a Smith machine, which constrains the path of the barbell, making the exercise moves a little bit easier.

Military Press

When it comes to working out your shoulders, military press is the best exercises for this. Military press is the perfect exercise for getting a wide and thick look on the upper portion of your body, and this exercise is in fact, considered as the King of all shoulder exercises. It trains the front as well as the side portion of the deltoids, and lifting from a seated position is more stringent than doing it while standing.

Straight Leg Deadlifts

This exercise must be part of your hamstring workout. Straight leg deadlifts is just a simple exercise, although it can be devastating if you do not do it in the right form and movement. And just like regular deadlifts, make sure to keep your lower back arched, while your chest is up, and head back.

If you just incorporate all of this best exercise to gain muscle in your workout program, then you will certainly get the results that you want - a lean and perfect body with bulk muscles. Perform as intense as you can, while making sure that you are doing it in the right form, and you will definitely obtain the maximum benefits of your workout routine. And if you can, try to include some other exercises on your workout program, aside from these five exercises.

Now that you know the top exercises, check out an effective workout routine example on gain muscle workout plan. Be sure to visit my site on Gaining Weight Fast to receive free tips and guidelines in the right way to build muscle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Nolan_Hill

TOP Isometrics Exercises - 3 Critical Factors to Get Ripped Fast

If you are seeking to gain optimal results from the Isometrics Exercises that you are doing or thinking about doing, then you will want to check out this brief write-up. And discover the 3 top-rated tips for quick strength growth!

Almost everyone is not getting what you could consider great results from their isometrics exercises. If they were to make a few small changes to their work out, they would increase the results by at least 300%.

Within this short write up, I will give you the 3 top strategies that helped me get incredible results from my Iso workouts.

One of the key strategies is to train or workout using Isometrics exercises and Isotonics. Isometric exercises alone will help you build incredible muscle strength. One of the advantages of ISOs is that it will assist you in building greater strength than just about any other exercise or training protocol.

Furthermore, this type of training does a better job at building tendon strength than free weights, or bodyweight exercises. Bear in mind that the amount of weight or resistance that you can use has much more to do with your tendon strength than actual muscular strength. To prove my point, if you were to watch a power lifter working out you would see that he or she incorporates many different partial repetitions or static holds in their workout program.

But, one of the drawbacks of isometrics exercises is that while they help you to develop a great deal of tendon and muscular strength unfortunately, because of the lack of repetition they do not do much in shaping and building muscular size.

That is why one of the best ways to set up your strength training program is to utilize both isotonic and iso exercises into your routine. That way you get the best of both worlds, you will get greater strength gains and muscular size.

Nevertheless, you cannot follow some of the outdated training protocols that are currently being recommended for use in your isometric exercise program. Essentially, what they recommend is that you perform isometrics everyday.

Unfortunately, this type of advice is still being promoted and does not take into consideration the one critical factor that does build muscle size. And that factor is "Rest."

1. In order to grow muscle mass you must continually strive to use more resistance

2. You must eat healthy and nourishing foods,

3. And you must get at least eight hours of sleep each night. While you are sleeping your body releases growth hormone to help, your body recuperate and build new muscle tissue.

If you work out every day is too much the strain on your body system and as a result, you will suffer a plateau.

One way to increase the results from your iso workouts is to utilize isometric exercise equipment or an iso exerciser. These types of devices will allow you to perform more exercises than you could normally do with just free hand Iso's.

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Copyright: Build-Muscle-Guide.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Milano

How to Get Ripped in 6 Weeks - One 30 Minute Workout at a Time!

One month you will see a photo of a celebrity looking soft and pudgy. How is it that when it's time to get down to business and get ripped for a new role, they show up in the best shape of their life, merely weeks later?

Here is one solution, a workout and diet routine that will allow you to get ripped in 6 weeks! Remember, you will use a program like this as a sort of last push towards getting into excellent shape for a specific event. Maybe it's a wedding, a reunion, or even a role in a new action movie!

***REMEMBER*** Always consult your physician before starting any new exercise program!

The Get Ripped in 6 Weeks Program-

For this program, there are 2 rules:

Never do the same workout twice
Keep detailed records of every workout performed

The workout variety keeps your body guessing, while the detailed records allow future workouts to be precisely designed (weight/reps/duration of exercise/intensity) for best results.

The 30 minute Workout

Work out 6 times per week. 5 days of that are dedicated to the following 30 minute circuit, while the 6th day is used for an hour long trail run (assuming of course that your knees and other joints can handle it. If they can't, try a long bike ride or even a long, strenuous hike/walk for excellent benefits).

Warmup - 10 minutes

If you have access to a good gym, use a concept 2 rowing machine to get warmed up. Rowing is great because it activates all the major muscle groups of the body. If you don't have access to a rowing machine, try some body rows using a DIY suspension trainer and some bodyweight squats, doing small sets back to back to get the blood moving.

Moderate Intensity / Strength Work - 10 minutes

Next, do 10 minutes of one of the following options:

Heavy (around 75% of your one rep max) compound movements such as deadlifts, squats, cleans, or bench press. Do no more than 5 reps per set, focusing on a few quality sets of one of these exercises.(If you don't have access to heavy weights, try making your own DIY sandbag training equipment. $20 will get you some serious weight)
Quick light-weight and/or kettlebell circuits. Bodyweight exercise routines are another option here.
Heavy farmer's walk/carries using large kettlebells or heavy sandbags
Medicine ball throws (take some weight out of your sandbag for the same effect)

High Intensity Intervals - 10 minutes

This is the real gut-busting part of the workout.

Use medicine ball slams, sprints, rope climbs, pullups, hanging knee raises, burpees, bear crawls, farmers walks, front squats, rope pulls, weighted stepups, and many more exercises, all in one brief but INTENSE circuit.

These are just a few ideas, just try to mix it up every workout so that you don't get burned out.

Get Ripped in 6 Weeks Diet Plan

Here are some guidelines to help you lose weight for your event:

Don't eat anything with refined sugar or flour in it
Don't drink alcohol or fruit juice (these beverages have a TON of calories)
Drink around 1.5 gallons of water per day
Record EVERYTHING that you eat or drink
Eat a total of 2000 calories, spread out throughout the day in 6 meals
Try to eat things like egg whites, veggies, lean mean, nuts, fish, quality protein shakes

Remember, don't do an intense program like this for longer than a few weeks. You will likely get burned out and/or injured! Go hard, but be kind to yourself!

Good luck!

If you found this article interesting and for more info on how to get ripped in 6 weeks, with or without gym, you might want to check out my blog at http://homeworkoutblog.com/

See how I have successfully lost 30 pounds of fat, built strength and muscle, and overcome chronic injuries all at home using minimal equipment.

Take care and good luck!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Nagy

Secret Mixing Bodyweight Exercises With Weight Training to Get Truly Ripped Abs

Depending on your goals you might want to throw a bodyweight routine in with your weekly workouts. Personally, I train for aesthetics, health, power, and speed, but my ultimate goals is to look good. I don't compete or anything, I just train as a hobby and stress reliever, but that doesn't mean I am not extremely committed to my fitness.

About one year ago I felt like I was really plateauing physically and was having trouble getting the lean physique I wanted. My training was pretty stream line, sticking to compound lifts on a chest, back, and legs training split and I was putting on serious size and strength from these great classic lifts. Now I was strong and felt great but I didn't quite have the look I desired so I had to rethink my approach to training. I decided to mix some bodyweight exercises in with my weekly training routine. At first I would incorporate some push ups, and burpess after my workouts, attempting to burn as much fat as possible.

This method really didn't work very well, after a strenuous weight lifting routine body weight exercises were basically out of the question from the intensity of my lifts. So I had to rethink things once again. The new plan I came up with was to dedicate one day a week and do a body weight only workout. I chose Friday for my bodyweight domination day and stayed on the routine regularly and I began to start loving Fridays. This is where my physique really jumped to the next level and I realized I had stumbled upon quite the discovery. Weight Lifting was maintaining my size and strength but the body weight routine was what was really ripping me up.

Now you might wonder why you shouldn't just do bodyweight routines alone but it varies from person to person. If you want to gain strength and mass than you must incorporate some heavy compound lifts in your training but if you are content with your mass than bodyweight exercises should be all you need. For me I like to have a good amount of muscle on my frame so regular weight lifting is a must or my body won't maintain the mass.

The moral of this story is that bodyweight training is the secret to being disgustingly ripped. I live by the following bodyweight exercises for my bodyweight only days:
Push Ups(all variations)
Pull Ups and Chin Ups
Hanging Leg Raises

Use only these exercises for an entire workout of about 20 sets and you'll be amazed at the results. Like I said it depends on your own personal physical goals to integrate bodyweight training in with your regular routine. For me I do 1-2 days a week that are entirely bodyweight oriented but if I was content with my muscle mass I would only do bodyweight. Lifting will help build and maintain the muscle mass you want but bodyweight training is the perfect tool for that cut up physique you desire. It just forces you body into fat burning overload and tones your muscles perfectly along with your abs.

The funny thing is the bodyweight exercises I listed above are some of the most fundamental exercises done in the gym but give you incredible results. I can't say this is going to be universal tool for all to use seeking a lean physique but for those who are getting close to the finish line and need that extra push to get over the edge bodyweight could be your answer. If you find yourself trying every possible method to become leaner and aren't getting the results you want than you should try adding a bodyweight workout to your routine, it has helped me get the leanest I have ever been in my life.

If you would like to take a look at some of my bodyweight routines for getting your physique truly ripped and learn about the changes I made i my diet to get my bodyfat below 7%, you can take look at this page the shows you how to train like an NFL athlete http://www.squidoo.com/NFLabs

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jacob_I_King

TOP Building Muscle For Skinny Guys - How To Get The Body You Want

Building muscle for skinny guys is not as easy as it is for other people. Hard-gainers are genetically less likely to pack on pounds of muscle, and so body building in this population requires the use of harder and smarter methods. If you have noticed other guys working out in the gym with no real routine and useless form, yet they get bigger and bigger every time you see them, yet you're working out much harder and not growing at all. Then most likely you're a hard-gainer who doesn't yet know the building muscle for skinny guys method.

Being a hard-gainer does not mean you cannot build muscles. You can still have that body you've always wanted. Shirtless at the beach with big arms, and chest. You can still have the best abs at the summer-house, and you will never have to be embarrassed about your body again.

This article outlines the 3 main "building muscle for skinny guys" steps. You follow these and you will be bigger in no time.

Building muscle for skinny guys step #1

Eat like there's no tomorrow. You have to start consuming a LOT OF CALORIES. Muscle building requires lots of energy and your daily caloric intake has to make up for it. Your protein intake should be really high too because it is the building block of your muscles and you need lots of that. Good carbohydrates from whole grain foods, fruits and veggies and good oils like coconut and olive oil are also essential components of your diet. Remember you will also need a lot more water to stay hydrated and keep the toxins out of your body.

Building muscle for skinny guys step #2

Rest a lot and avoid overworking yourself in the gym, because this is one of the biggest mistakes that us hard-gainers make. We work too hard and spend too much time in the gym and ultimately this might result in muscle loss at worst and no muscle gains at best. Sleep well too because you gain muscle in your bed, not in the gym.

Building muscle for skinny guys step #3

Work out intelligently. 3-4 times a week maximum and 90 minutes at most each time. Work out hard each time and make sure you push yourself to your limits. Whether it is the number of sets, reps, or the weight, go as far as you can. Make sure you switch between different work outs every 4-6 weeks to prevent reaching plateaus.

The building muscle for skinny guys guide has 3 simple pieces of advice for you. Work out right, eat right, and sleep right and before you know it you can have that body you've always wanted and the confidence to go with it. And the compliments are definitely worth all the hard work in the gym.

I'm Daniel Ferdinands and I went from 54kg (119lbs) to 70kg (154lbs) of muscle. Its a body transformation that I am very proud of.

My website can show you how to build muscles [http://www.best-bodybuilding-reviews.com/get-big]. But only click on it, if you're skinny, or want to gain more muscle on your frame.

You can also read my muscle building story [http://best-bodybuilding-reviews.com/my-muscle-building-journey] here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Ferdinands

The Secrets to Building Muscle in Less Than Ten Seconds

An Introduction to Isometrics

In 7 SECONDS you can develop new muscle tissue. That mean in less than 4 hours a year you can develop a whole new body adding anything from 12 - 25 lbs of muscle on to your frame while substantially reducing your body fat. A statement like that seems unrealistic. Fantastic - a figment of a delusional comic book writer explaining how a superhero became incredibly strong. I wouldn't blame you for thinking that. I though the same and I'm approaching it form the cynicism of a seasoned fitness instructor and personal trainer. There's just one little, teeny-tiny problem though.

It's possible. More so that that it's a reality for thousands of people everyday. And no, they're not on steroids or drugs or part of military experiment creating super soldiers. They are everyday people like you and me. They hold down 9-5 jobs and don't have time for exercise between the kids and mortgage payments. So how are they doing it? The answer is Isometrics and I'm going to explain what Isometrics is and how you can start doing it as you read the rest of this article. That's right. By the time you have finished this you will have completed two exercises, the first to trim and tone your waistline the second to tone and firm your chest.

Isometric Abs

1. Sit up tall and straight in your chair.

2. Breathe in deep and suck in your stomach as hard as you can.

3. Now tense your stomach hard as though bracing for a punch - still keeping it sucked in

4. You feel that tightness, a slight quiver in the muscles? Good, that's the start.

5. Breath out tightly making an SSSSSSSSS sound. You'll feel your abs getting tighter.

6. As you breathe out crunch your abs really hard rotating your pelvis upwards and your rid cage inwards.

7. Breathe all the way out

8. Relax

How did that feel? If you did it right it should feel great. Yours abs will be warm, worked, feel relaxed and slightly tired. Now do it again and repeat until you've finished this article. Your abs will be tighter, firmer and more toned tomorrow morning then they are right now. Diligent practice of this one exercise will tighten and tone your stomach faster than 1,000 sit ups. Now to give you something entertaining to read as your tighten and tone your stomach here's the fascinating and scintillating science behind Isometrics. Iso (meaning the same) and metric (meaning distance) is a method of tensing the muscles without moving the angle of the joint they are connected to. The abs exercise above is an example of this. So is pushing against an immovable object. Try as hard as you can, tense every ounce of muscle fibre against something that can't move, you'll feel you've done great workout and in many ways you have!

Back in the old school days of physical culture, the Victorian era's introduction to bodybuilding and strong men Isometrics was all the rage. Skinny weak sickly kids turned to tensing their muscles in a specific way and transformed themselves into well toned living Greek Statues, strong enough to press grown men over their heads with one arm. Their feats of strength astonished the men of the time and women marvelled at their physiques. Okay, they couldn't leap tall buildings in a single bound, or hold back a locomotive but they could easily walk up walls lift horse over head and in one demonstration lift a platform on top on which ten men were standing. One such guy was Maxick. Maxick, born Max Sick was a very weak child from birth and was not supposed to live. But he fought on and survived.

A young Max once saw a strong man at the circus and determined to be as strong as the Greek Hero Hercules (their equivalent of Superman). So little Max started lifting weights. Fortunately his parent soon put an end to this - as he was too weak and fragile to take the strain. Still determined Max began to experiment with his body. Tensing his various muscles as hard as could and learning to control each one individually. Soon Max started to get stronger, more muscular. One day in his teens Max went in to a local gym, too young to join he just watched. Then on invitation from one of the chief physical culturists (an old school name for bodybuilders) tried to lift a weight. Of course they were expecting Max to fail and have a good laugh at his expense. Max out-lifted the strong man.

People were stunned. Max became a local celebrity in his home time, demonstrating feats of unbelievable strength and muscle control. He could make his muscles jump and dance with a simple thought. And lift seemingly impossible weights. He travelled to England where he developed a reputation as being incredibly strong. It was here he teamed up with fellow strong man Saldo and developed his Isometric Training system called Maxalding. You didn't lift weights; you did Isometric Exercises where you tensed and relaxed your muscles, just like your abs. How are they doing by the way? Pretty tired? Okay give it a rest. Instead let's try this one for the chest.

Isometric Hand Press

1. Stand tall and straight

2. Hold your arms out in front of your chest

3. Make a slight bend at the elbow, creating a triangle from the wrist to the elbows

4. Press your palms together

5. As you do so concentrate on making your chest as tight and hard as possible.

6. After a few seconds you should feel you're chest and arms shaking all over - this is the muscles tiring as they work really hard - this is Isometrics.

7. Hold this Position for 30 seconds.

8. Slowly release - this is important, after intense contraction your body needs time to unwind.

Now how does that feel. Repeat it ten times as you scroll down. The Maxalding system was an early whole body Isometric Training system. His students got stunning results, and they weren't the only ones. Years later, a man named Charles Atlas achieved phenomenal fame as the Worlds Most Perfect Man while promoting an Isometric System he called Dynamic Tension. It's still around. However time advances, people on the look out for new fads move on and Isometrics was forgotten until recently. With a new fitness and physical culture renaissance approaching people are turning back to the old methods.

And science is discovering some amazing things. Like it only takes 7 Seconds to stimulate new muscle growth. That said, there is one small detail - it has to be incredibly intense stimulus. Isometrics just happens to be the most intense exercise in the world and in a little as 7 seconds you can completely exhaust your muscles. The wonderful thing is it doesn't matter what your current level of fitness is, because the force you generate while doing Isometrics is in direct proportion to your current level. You can't really go too far. Isometrics is also incredibly safe because it does not require any weights (except at very advance levels) making it ideal for rehabilitation, seniors and everyone else too busy to get to the gym.

If you've followed the directions in this article you will have just worked out two of the biggest muscle groups in the body, the chest and the core muscles of abs. In future articles I'll explain a little more about some of the specific benefits of Isometrics and give you some more exercises, as well as reveal how it blowtorches fat, and strengthen your digestion system, your internal organs and even reverse the again process. For now enjoy, the feeling of a firm toned waist and a lean powerful chest. Practice these two techniques every second day and remember to breath correctly.

Now, Click Here <--- As of May 29th '09 this was rated the #1 program for bodybuilding and has been exclusively featured in Men's Fitness Magazine and Maximum Fitness Magazine.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Novak

Hard Gainers Can Build Muscle - Here's How!

The most common mistake of hard gainers is spending too much time in the gym and not enough time at home on the couch and in the kitchen. If you are a hard gainer, you know it by now. You train like crazy and never build muscle. You see a little gain and then it's gone. You go back to the gym and train even harder and longer, thinking surely this will add some poundage to this bag of bones but it does not. It is a vicious cycle that never ends ...until you end it.

Here's how to do it right. Hard gainers MUST train less frequently and use heavy weights. Train no more than three times per week. Forget about dumbbells. Use compound movements with barbells. Work on the core strength of the body, bench presses, dead lifts, squats, pull ups and crunches. Never get away from these exercises. Forget about isolating muscles - one handed exercises to tone... you first must build something to tone. Barbell curls will develop more core strength.

Use micronized creatine for more strength and endurance when training and to aid in recovery. Creatine used right is best friend to hard gainers. Read my article on, Creatine Works If You Know How To Work It.

Training sessions should last 45 - 60 minutes. You will be tempted to train longer and go to the gym more than 3 days a week, but don't do it if you want to build muscle. Use heavy weight and low reps (5-8 reps and no more then 5 sets per exercise). Rest at least 4 minutes between sets so you will have more strength for the next set. Allow 5 - 7 days rest for each muscle group. Training a muscle group any sooner puts to much stress on the system of hard gainers when using heavy weights. Never train to failure unless you want to fail at building muscle. Ease off on cardio. Short intense cardio is best, once or twice per week will be enough.

I have one thing to say about diet. Eat! Then Eat Some More. Eat when you are not hungry. Eat before and after training. Eat before bedtime. Eat in the middle of the night. Eat at least 1.5 grams of protein, such as lean beef, turkey, chicken, fish, egg whites and whey protein daily, for every pound of body weight. Supplementing with amino acids is also a big plus for hard gainers. Read my article on, Amino Acids for Building Muscle are King Daddy. Eat plenty of complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, baked potatoes and pasta. Eat 80 grams of good fats daily, such as nuts, seeds, peanut butter and avocados. Include at least 35 grams of dietary fiber (raw vegetables) daily and drink plenty of pure water. If you are serious about gaining mass, strap on the feed bag. Try to eat 4000 calories per day. This will take planning and some effort.

Take digestive enzymes each time you eat. Most hard gainers need help with the digestive system. Hard gainers are thyroid body types. A common problem with thyroid body types is poor digestion.

Do not attempt to build muscle and burn fat at the same time. They are two different animals that play by two different sets of rules. It will not work for hard gainers.

Fred Fishburne and his wife are owners of ProHealth Nutrition, Inc., a very successful health store in McDonough, Ga. since 1884. Visit them at: http://prohealthnut.com or http://stores.ebay.com/ProHealth-Nutrition_W0QQsspagenameZMEQ3aFQ3aSTQQtZkm

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alfred_Grenfell_Fishburne,_Jr

The Hormone Epinephrine and Its Role in Weight Loss and Muscle Gain

For people interested in implementing a weight loss strategy that works and are looking to learn how to gain muscle and lose fat, there are many so called solutions available.

But that's not all.

However, a major problem is that excellent marketing by some very savvy business people makes cutting through the clutter very challenging.

The desire to accelerate body fat loss is almost ubiquitous in today's society where fast food meals, pre-made preservative laden meals and a sedentary lifestyle is the norm. Fortunately, there is a simple solution that can make the attainment of a fit, dream body a reality. It doesn't require any extraordinary measures or complicated dieting. It doesn't require ingestion of any odd assortment of supplements.

All that is required to gain muscle and lose fat is adherence to a slightly different course of action than he or she may be accustomed to. Interestingly, strength training performed in a very precise way is one of the most powerful means of building muscle mass quickly, altering body composition favorably, losing body and accelerating metabolism.

It has been clearly established that hormone concentrations are favorably altered during and immediately following an exercise session. What is even more interesting is that this alteration in hormone concentrations may even lead to long term hormonal adaptations that lead to even more fat loss and muscle mass gain.

Some of the key hormones associated with muscle building and accelerated metabolism are testosterone, growth hormone and insulin. Increased levels of these hormones are all associated with enhanced potential for growth of muscle tissue. Additionally, chronically elevated levels of testosterone, human growth hormone and insulin are all associated with prolonged adherence to a resistance training program.

For those people interested primarily in fat loss, a respect and knowledge of the hormonal changes associated with strength training will help speed weight loss and total body fat percentage decreases.

The hormone epinephrine, for instance, has been found to increase fat and carbohydrate breakdown, making more adenosine triphosphate available for energy production and muscle contraction. It also has positive effects on muscle contraction potentials by enhancing motor unit recruitment of individual muscle fibers.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

If you're seriously interested in achieving the fastest weight loss possible, building lean muscle and creating a body that you're proud of, a concern for muscle is of primary importance. You must train with intent and with knowledge of precisely what the physiological response of your training session will have on your body.

For more information on how to gain muscle and lose fat quickly, HGH bodybuilding and the shocking truth about HGH weight loss, visit the author at CurtisLudlow.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Curtis_J_Ludlow

Weight Gain Solutions For Underweight Diabetics

I am a Type 2 Diabetic and have been trying to gain weight naturally. There are several challenges to this problem. Since most diabetics are trying to lose weight, I am in a minority. However, by following a program of proper diet and exercise, healthy results can be obtained. The first and most obvious thing when trying to gain weight is caloric intake. Very simply, if you take in too few calories or unhealthy ones you will simply not gain weight!

Also, it is important to know when, what, and how much to eat. Your body type also determines your caloric intake, as well as your metabolism. A Diabetic healthy diet can still provide results for those wishing to increase their weight and muscle mass. You need the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats for the best results, so consider a program that takes all of these nutritional factors into account. The second component of weight gain is exercise, beginning with weight training, which must be done correctly. If you don't lift weights, the majority of any weight you gain will be fat.

However, in weight training you can also easily "overtrain", destroying muscle in the process- if you work out too often, your muscles don't have enough time to recuperate and grow. Also, cardiovascular exercise can actually prevent muscle growth if done improperly. You need to know the time, length and intensity of your workout for maximum results. A proper weight and cardiovascular workout program is truly essential for weight gain. The use of supplements is also questionable, because by consuming healthy calories you will be getting most of the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

You need to know which meal replacements work and which ones to avoid to save your money. In summary, a weight gain program can be implemented even if you're diabetic- you need to follow a program that will educate you in nutrition, weight and cardiovascular exercise and use of supplements.

My name is Todd Donnelly, and I have been diabetic for over 10 years. I have made great progress in controlling my diabetes, and have been trying to gain weight through various methods. To gain weight, feel better about yourself and to improve your overall health, please visit: http://www.topweightgainproduct.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Todd_Donnelly

Dietary Solutions for Gaining Weight

Most people that are trying to gain weight are usually on the lookout for a simple and quick way to throw on the pounds. Unlike what the supplement companies may say, there are no magic pills that will make you gain thirty pounds overnight. However, there are some valuable ideas that you can employ that will help your advancement with speeding up your muscle gains.

All these items are pretty straight forward to integrate and will help you out, but you have to realize that you have to have everything else right before you start seeing a whole lot of added benefits from employing these recommendations. With that being said, lets go check these out...

Boosting Your Testosterone

Most guys who train have heard of the hormone testosterone. However, I ponder if you know what a big influence it has on your capability to add new muscle to your body. If you came here wanting knowledge on how to gain weight then I would have to say, Yes, testosterone has a massive influence on muscle growth and weight gains. Right here are a few recommendations that will aid you in increasing your natural testosterone legally.

- Eat plenty of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, spinach and cauliflower. These decrease estrogen and will aid you in increasing testosterone levels.

- Eat plenty of nuts and seeds. These are comprised of good fats and also large amounts of Zinc that will help your testosterone amounts in the body.

- Take plenty of good oils such as flax seed oil, olive oil, fish oil, palm oil and coconut oil. These will help with creating hormones that will transform into higher testosterone amounts.

- Use black-strap molasses and turmeric immediately after a exercise routine. Black-strap molasses is comprised of high amounts of magnesium which also assists with testosterone. Turmeric is a super anti-inflammatory spice that has large anti-oxidant capabilities as well. These anti-oxidants are much more impressive than that of vitamin E and working out generates free radicals that will need to be removed.

Exercise For a Shorter Amount of Time

There are times when lifting weights for less time will give you more impressive results than working out for longer periods. If you are scrawny then you need to be certain you are using a hardgainer routine and not a exercise routine created for a person that can easily gain muscle and that can recover quick from their workouts.

This is why I say if you are an underweight guy and you are working out for over an hour, then you may possibly want to start thinking about lowering back on how long you workout. I typically advise not going past 45 minutes of pure weight lifting and maybe a 10 to 15 min warm-up session. You want to try and keep cortisol ranges down and by keeping workouts quick and sweet will help you out in this area. You may possibly want to search into acquiring a natural herb called Holy Basil, it is suppose to help you decrease the quantity of cortisol in your system.

Take A Excellent High Quality Multivitamin

This is important to take into thought. Folks do not realize how important it is to provide your body with all the vitamins and minerals it needs to operate properly. These days it is practically almost impossible to get all these vitamins and minerals from just your food supply alone.

Consequently, this is why I advise taking a high quality multivitamin to be certain you are covered. Opti-Men is a good one for dudes to take that is a decent price. If your system is missing these nutrients then it will not be capable to operate like how it was made to. So if you wish you knew how to build muscle the healthy way, then taking a multivitamin is well worth considering.

Let's Wrap This Up

Let's wrap these useful recommendations up. As you can see, these are some great recommendations to take into consideration when planning a weight gain routine and cycle. If you are eating enough calories, working out appropriately, getting enough rest and taking these recommendations into consideration, then you ought to see some good weight gains in the gym.

Train hard expect success,

Cory Cook

Cory Cook is the co-creator of HardgainerMuscleBuilding.com, a website specifically configured to teach the ectomorph the laws on how to gain weight the healthy way.

HargainerMuscleBuilding.com features a free email class covering the basic principles of training naturally, eating a nutritious, muscle-building diet, and understanding the truth about supplements. The website is filled with free articles, videos, and the proper hardgainer workout you need to create your ideal body.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cory_Cook

Secret Cardio for Ultra Fast Fat Loss

OK so we all know about cardio and the different types that are out there, such as high intensity interval training (HIIT), Slow state cardio, medium state cardio and so on. However which is best and how much should we do to optimise fat loss?

Well that's where my secret cardio type comes into play. That's right after trying multiple different types of cardio I have found this one is the best for optimising fat loss.

So what is it you ask?

Well I call it Samurai cardio.


Because Samurai are bad ass, enough said!

Al right enough playing around, let's get down to business. What is Samurai cardio? And why is it so good for fat loss?

Samurai cardio is a mixture of both HIIT and slow state cardio, and here is how you do it.

First you start with a 5 min warm up, this can be done on any type of cardio equipment or outside it's up to you (this will help prevent injury in the high intensity part).

Next you will perform 15 mins of HIIT where you will go all out as hard as you can for 20 seconds followed by a slow jog for 40 seconds and repeat it 15 times. (Again you can do this on and any cardio equipment you like. I find outdoor sprints on a field or cycle sprint to be the best.)

Now comes the important part. After you have completed the HIIT give yourself a few mins to recover and stretch out your muscle. Then go into 15 mins of slow state cardio (again any form you like)

Now rest you done!!!

AND that's it folks, that's SAMURAI cardio!

So why is this so effective? Well I'll give you a little bit of the science behind this method.

OK well HIIT is a form of anaerobic cardio, meaning it's without oxygen and will tend to use more carbohydrates as a full source rather than fat. Now you might be thinking how is that a good thing for fat loss? Well the other effect of doing HIIT is it will release Free Fatty acids (FAT) into your blood stream and this becomes very important and is where the use of slow state cardio comes in. Usually it would take a lot longer for slow state cardio to access your fat stores to start burning fat, but by doing HIIT first the free fatty acids are already in the blood stream ready to be burnt off for energy and so you will burn a lot more fat overall. Also HIIT creates a much larger after burn effect meaning you will continue burning more calories for up to 48 hours after the Samurai cardio. This after burn effect is not present in low intensity cardio.

There you have it my secret cardio technique for optimising fat loss. Give it ago, see how you like it and let me know your thoughts.

Learn Apply Succeed.

For more information check out


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Luke_Stanaway

Training Your Bicep Muscles With These Top 3 Arm Exercises

In this article you are going to learn some key workouts for your bicep muscles that will help you gain some size and shape. Having Ripping bicep is the goal of every bodybuilder and if you follow my suggestions here you too will soon have a pair for your very own. So without further a due let's get started

Please note that the moves giving here can be performed in any order

The first move that you will be using is a hallmark in working the bicep muscles. It is a key bicep movement that truly attacks every muscle fiber in your bicep. Also it is the move that you can probably carry the most weight with. And everybody knows the more weights you can carry the bigger you will get. This move is none other than the standing barbell curl. Choose a weight that will cause you to fail at the 10 th repetitions. Now load the bar with the desired weight and grip the bar with a shoulder width grip using an underhand grip. Now stand with your knees slightly bent and with the barbell hanging on your thighs. With your elbows tucked to your sides curl the weights till they reach shoulder height. Pause for as second then slowly reverse motion. Do 4 sets of these and make sure you really work hard. You won't grow bigger biceps faster using any other exercise.

The next move is another favorite of bodybuilders and it is the dumbbell curl. The dumbbell curl works the bicep muscles nicely because of the complete range of motion they allow. Here is how to perform it Stand straight with a dumbbell in each hand. Make sure you use a weight that will make your bicep muscles fail at the end of the set. You don't want to go to light with this exercise. So stand straight with knees slightly bent. Your palms should be facing forward and the dumbbells should be handing by your hips. Now curl one hand till you reach full extension and squeeze. When done, simply return the hand to starting position and just before it reaches starting position curl the other hand up and perform it the same way as you did the first arm. Then repeat. Make sure to keep form and work hard.

The final exercise you're going to perform is the one handed dumbbell preacher curl. This move is a finisher and will help put definition in your bicep muscles. It will help you squeeze your biceps perfectly as it is a concentration and isolation move. You always need such moves in your bicep routine to give you a ripped defined look. You don't just want bicep muscles that are big you want them to have some sort of shape to them. So this is what this bicep exercise will deliver to your bicep muscles.

Here is how to perform it: Grab a dumbbell. One that is not too heavy. Of course you don't want it to be light and you do not want to fail at the 6th repetition. So choosing a proper weight is crucial. Set yourself on a preacher bench with your arm holding the dumbbell extended on the bench. Make sure your elbows and shoulders are pinned to the bench. Now curl your biceps and squeeze at the peak, then slowly return to the starting position and repeat. Keep repeating this exercise until you hit failure

These three moves are all you need for bigger bicep muscles. Always make sure you go hard and keep pushing your self and in no time you will have the bicep muscles that you wanted

Want Big Bicep Muscles [http://www.mindnmuscle.com/biceps/bicep-muscles.htm]? Then Download My Free Report That Shows You How To Build Massive Bicep Muscles [http://www.mindnmuscle.com/] Fast

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Mentis

How to Achieve the Best Results From Arm Workouts

Are you looking for tips to maximize your arm workouts? One of the best things you will be pleased to know about working out your arms, is that you can do this really fast. This can be done easily, once you understand and apply the correct way of doing the workouts. If you want to develop those bulky arms fast, check out these tips that you can start incorporating into your fitness routine.

4 Tips for Bigger Arms

Avoid straining your muscles. You should not overwork your arms, to avoid them stressing. As you know, you might need to take a break from workouts if you incur injuries along the way, so be sure not to strain your muscles, by limiting your sets. Remember that straining your arm muscles can limit your ability to recover. Therefore, you might not get the most of the fitness results you are targeting for. Consider optimal rest for your muscle stimulation.

Add up on the intensity. One of the main things you should do when working out your arms is to add an intensity gradually. You can speed up muscle growth through it. Increase your reps and weight lifting. You can also decrease your rest time, between every set. Bear in mind that arm workouts should be done in a progressive way to achieve faster results. You can try improving the number of reps and weights you've recorded from the previous session.

Include multi-jointed routines. Of course you should be targeting your back, chest, and shoulders but you should not forget about your joints. You should also focus on your biceps and triceps by combining shoulder press, bench press, pull down, and row, to name a few. You should know that performing multi-joint exercises help you target more than a muscle group.

Work out the triceps. Most of your arm muscles are in this group, so you should incorporate exercises that can work them out. Include dips, bench presses, and other arm workouts that can target these muscles. By working them out, you can increase their size faster. You can also try to increase your workout intensity each time you go to the gym but remember not to dwell on quantity but on the quality of your exercise.

These are some tips that you can use, if you want to increase the size and improve the tone of your arm muscles; be sure to use them regularly to achieve the results faster. Study your options and learn more arm workouts today!

Fitness bodybuilding is an art. To get those muscles and sculpt them to a perfect body needs proper nutrition and specific exercises. To find more information please visit [http://www.hulk.org]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wayne_John_Bond

Muscle Gain - Build Arm Muscles the Best Way

Exercises and a well balanced diet with lot of protein is required for muscle growth. Selection of the right food is required to build muscles. Proteins play a vital part in muscle building process and food should be selected accordingly. Consumption of right kind of food is required to generate adequate amount of calories for workout which gradually build muscle mass.

The market is filled with muscle building supplements which are only hype. If you decide on taking supplements then the best way to choose it is to find out whether they have scientific support and have had enough positive feedback from people who have used these. It is always safe and healthy to choose a supplement which combines and works with the natural hormones of your body to help you reach your goal. Sometimes we do need to take up dietary supplements as food that we eat alone cannot provide all the nutrition and vitamins required for workouts. But do be very careful while selecting supplements as many a time they are not effective and some might also have some side effects. It is also a good option to consult an expert before buying a supplement. You also need to know how to optimize the muscle building nutrition to get the most lean muscle mass gains or maximize the anabolic response and minimize gaining body fat .

Diet supplements, if selected, should have high protein content and some amount of good fat. They should prepare the body providing the power and stamina for workouts for building muscle mass. The supplements should also help the body to recover from post workout damages. You need to find out the effective body building supplements that will help you to achieve your goals and are not just hype.

Diets are an essential part of muscle gain process. Be careful to select the food that is high on protein and low on fat, otherwise you will just accumulate fat than building muscles. Lean meat and fish contains high protein and low fat. Chicken, tuna, salmon, vegetables and fruits, etc, are examples of food rich with protein and low with fat. Beef is a very good source of protein but has good amount of fat too and so should not be consumed. Eggs contain amino acids which are essential for muscle growth. One should keep in mind that protein is very essential for muscle growth and thus should be consumed in adequate proportions. Some amount of good fat is also required as they speed up the muscle mass gain process. Carbohydrate also needs to be a part of your diet. Consume lot of fiber, cereals and grains. Remember to drink adequate amount of water throughout the day.

Exercises are undoubtedly the most important part in arm muscle building. There are various workout sets which are effective to build arm muscles. Combine various exercise sets to get the result. Weight lifting is a good option. Following a technique to exhaust your muscles to the level of their shutdown is another technique. But one has to rest the body properly to allow muscle mass to grow. Take help of professional fitness trainer if required to get results fast and effectively.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Johan_Knutsson

Best Back and Biceps Workout

Has your exercise routine hit a wall? Have you not really noticed any muscular gains for your physique? If you're looking for the best back and biceps workout, you're likely stuck in the rut of repeatedly doing the same workout - not to mention it gets extremely boring! Although you may be training extremely hard, all that hard work is basically getting wasted because your body has become very accustom to your routine. To avoid this, you need to hit your muscles at new angles so you trigger different parts of your muscle fibers for bigger gains in muscle mass. Try adding these three exercises to your bicep routine for some variety and to get back on track building lean muscle mass.

Move #1 - Guillotine Curl

This take on the already effective standard cable curl is a way to hit your arms from a completely new angle. For most bicep exercises, your upper arms are typically parallel to your torso and your curl the weight from your waist up to your chest. For the Guillotine Curl, your upper arms will be perpendicular to your torso and you are curling the weight from a high cable towards your body. By doing this, your providing a new stimulation to your muscles that provides new results.

You might want to grab your Workout Gloves first. Then to perform this exercise, attach a straight bar to the top of the cable pulley. Grab the bar with both hands and get down to the floor with your feet facing away from the pulley. Lying on the floor with your arms extended, curl the bar to your forehead while squeezing your biceps and release. Perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Move #2 - Lying Dumbbell Curl

For this exercise, you are placing practically all of the stress on the bicep muscle by lying down on the bench. By doing this, your arms have a larger range of motion and it provides a stronger contraction on the bicep muscle.

Begin by lying flat on a bench with a light dumbbell in each hand. Have your arms placed towards the floor so they are perpendicular to your torso. Curl the weight up to your shoulder, contract your bicep, and return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.

Move #3 - Reverse Grip Cable Curl

Something so easy as switching your grip enables a huge change in your routine and provides massive gains. This curl gives constant tension in your arms because of the cable triggering your biceps and forearms.

Attach a straight bar to a cable pulley at the ground level. Grab the bar with an overhand grip, and curl the weight towards your chest. Return to the starting position, and perform 4 sets of 8-10 reps.

Los Angeles Personal Trainer Riley Daye is part of the GymPaws Fitness Team. His areas of study include Weight Lifting, Strength Training, Nutrition, Body Building and Sport Specific Training.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Riley_Daye

Best Bicep Workouts for Mass Building

There's no denying a set of big arms looks impressive. And there isn't a guy around who doesn't want bulging biceps. When someone asks you to flex you immediately roll up your sleeves to show off your guns. Big bicep peaks are quite possibly the ultimate beach muscle. Everyone loves them.

Most people love to train biceps, flexing their arms with pride at the end of every set, yet not always seeing the kind of results they expect after putting in all the hard work.

This article will help you get the results you want from your biceps training. Discover how to build bigger arms with various bicep workout programs designed for mass building.

Anatomy of the Biceps

Before you can jump into the training and the best bicep workout exercises some background information is necessary.

A quick anatomy lesson is in store.

The biceps brachii, or biceps for short is a two headed muscle:

long head or outer head
short head or inner head

Both heads share the same insertion point near your elbow on your radius. A bone in your forearm. On the other end the two heads each have their own origins on the scapula. The short head attaches to the coracoid process. The long head travels further and attaches to the scapula at the supraglenoid tubercle.

Basically your biceps run down the front of your arm and make up about 1/3 of the muscle mass of your upper arm.

There are 2 additional parts of the bicep are called brachialis and brachioradialis. These are little muscles on the outside of the bicep that help with elbow flexion. Generally they get enough work that there is no need to isolate them, unless you are a competitive bodybuilder.

Any arm flexion will work the entire biceps muscle but certain lifts will focus and hit one part more than the others.

Functions of the Biceps

In order to correctly train the biceps is necessary to understand their function and movement patterns. The biceps is tri-articulate, working across three joints. The main duty of the bicep muscle is to flex the elbow...moving the forearm towards the shoulder.

There is a second function of the biceps. Supinate the forearm, turning the hand from a palms-down position to a palms-up position. Knowing these two functions makes designing a bicep workout plan a little easier. The biceps also helps stabilize your rotator cuff. But as a bodybuilder or someone looking to get bigger arms we are primarily concerned with the first 2 functions.

Training Your Biceps

Now that you have a basic understanding of the biceps muscle and function we can get into the good stuff...building big biceps!

You will be happy to know that planning your biceps workout program is fairly straightforward. They really only have two major jobs as described earlier. Just make sure you include these movements in your program and you will be on the right track.

Key bicep workout programing tips: pull heavy weight, include lots of chin ups and rows movements with your hands more than shoulder width apart, hits the outer head, to hit the inner head hands are placed closer than shoulder width, to get more Brachialis involvement curl with your palm facing your body.

Best Biceps Exercises

You can not beat compound movements for adding massive amounts of mass to your your frame. And the same thing goes for getting big arms. Chin up variations, and different rows are a great way to add size to your biceps. You will never see someone who can move lots of weight in these lifts without big arms. So be sure to include lots of pulls in your program. That will be discussed in another article. For now we will focus on the biceps.

Barbell Curls

If you are looking to focus on just the biceps, barbell curls are the best biceps isolation movement you can do. This is the most basic biceps exercise and the foundation of your workout program.

Most guys know how to do a barbell curl so I will not go into much detail. Just remember to keep the elbows in tight to the body and to go heavy.

This exercise would be the first exercise done in the bicep portion of your workout. Start with a warm up set of 12 reps add weight drop to 10 reps add more weight now perform 8 reps. This set should be tough. Do one more set with even more weight and again drop the reps from 6-8. This set is tough.

Other variations include:

ez bar curls
straight bar cable curls
different grips, wide or close

Hammer Curls

Hammer curls are able to work the inner head of the biceps more than other curling variations. To perform this movement you are going to do a basic curl but this time have your palms facing in. This is done with dumbbells or a bar that has a neutral grip handle on it.

You can do this exercise one arm at a time, together or you could alternate.

Incline Curls

The best movement for the outer head is doing curls while seated on an incline bench. This exercise isolates and stretches the biceps more then standing dumbbell curls so you will have to use less weight.

Similar to the standing dumbbell curl. Grab a pair of dumbbells. Sit back on an incline bench dumbbells hang at arms length on each side of the bench behind your body. From here do your regular curling motion.

Preacher Curls

The best movement for the Inner Head is the preacher curl. For this exercise sit on a bench with a preacher stand. Hold a bar elbows rested on the preacher stand and palms facing towards the ceiling. keeping your arms on the pad do a curling motion.

How Often Should You Train Your Biceps?

Your biceps are small compared to other muscle groups thus do not need the the same volume and do not get the sam kind of stress.

you can perform bicep exercises up to three non-consecutive days a week. Two days a week is a better option. Be sure to have at least one full day of rest between exercises and take two if you can get it.

Bicep Workout Program for Building Big Bi's

After your pulling exercises like chin ups and rows:

Biceps Workout 1

Maybe today you did chin ups and close grip pull downs

Barbell Curls - 4 sets 12, 10, 8, 6
Hammer Curls - 2 x 15

Biceps Workout 2

Again this is to be done after your pulling exercises. Something like inverted rows and seated rows with a close grip.

Preacher Curls - 4 sets 12, 10, 8, 8
Incline Curls - 2 sets of 15

Be sure to get lots of rest and eat well. Your arms will be sure to grow and before you know it you will have the best biceps of your weight training career.

Train hard.

Looking to transform your body, build bigger muscles. Discover what to do to build maximum muscle in the fastest time. Download your FREE report... Common mistakes made in the weight room to avoid to bust through plateaus... Muscle Building Tips

For more muscle building tips and exercises be sure to visit the link below.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Parris