Bigger, Better, Faster, Now By Justin Woltering Review And How I Finally Got Muscle Definition

Need to get ripped? Or at least some muscles to show off?

I have been struggling with getting definition for a long time. I can add bulk no problem. I typically kill myself on a 10 day rotation usually at 4-5 hours a day and add 5-10 lbs of muscle in 2 weeks or less.

I cannot get toned though. To some it seems effortless. I tried over and over to get a six pack and the only way I can do this is through a no carb diet which I hate doing.

The problem I can get a six pack shadow but I just look too puny so I bulk up and then I trade my six pack for a keg.

There does not seem to be a balance.

Long story short I did some research (because my friends wouldn't help me) and found a good solution to add muscle and stay toned. Bigger, Better, Faster, Now by Justin Woltering finally did the trick.

Despite what I have been taught by "personal trainers" I no longer have to take on tons of mass to add toned bulk to my physic.

Most fall into the routine that I did:

Add mass (high protein, high fat, low carbs)
Kill yourself in the gym (turn fat into muscle)
Rinse and repeat

Unless you spend tons of money on a personal trainer there is a lot of guess work in between.

Bigger, Better, Faster, Now breaks a lot of myths

Do not eat a ton of fat to gain fast bulk
Instead eat foods that keeps your body anabolic.
Stretching you muscles actually adds definition and bulk (go figure)

I have spent countless hours getting my dream body and thousands of dollars. It just did not work without me having to go to the gym almost every single day.

I am not there yet but I will get there soon. Its not easy but this program is definitely the easiest thing I have tried with these results.

I have even made a blog with a full review about Bigger, Better, Faster, Now.

Click here to see my full results.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Rancil