4 Simple Fat Burning Tips For Getting and Staying Lean

Losing weight and keeping it off is very difficult for most people. However, there are simple tips you can include in your fitness and nutrition program to help you burn fat and keep it off.

1. Include strength, endurance, and speed drills in your workout program. This will help the body use fat for energy and protect the body against fat gain and insulin resistance.

2. Avoid long-term calorie restriction and crash diets.

Long term calorie restriction (starvation diets) and crash diets slow down your metabolism. This makes it difficult to keep losing weight, as your metabolism slows down. You'll also find it difficult to keep the weight off when you go back to "normal" eating.

By slightly reducing your calories and sticking to an exercise program, you will keep your metabolism from slowing down and help prevent rebound weight gain.

3. Avoid over training. Over training, or a lack of rest, causes chronic stress. The result is a slower metabolism, fat gain, loss of muscle, and adrenal exhaustion. In addition, over training can cause chronic illness.

4. Every so often, you should under eat or fast. This will help remove toxins from your body which lessens the reasons for your body to store fat. I know this seems to contradict the second tip. However, in this case, we are not talking about long term calorie restriction or starvation diets.

Try under eating for a couple of days or fasting for a day (or fast until dinner and then eat a normal dinner, no pigging out!).

Put these 4 fat burning tips into practice and you will increase your body's ability to burn fat, build lean muscle, keep a revving metabolism, while staying fit and healthy.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregg_Gillies