Huge Muscle Building Arm Muscle Exercises

Huge arms. That's one of the first things that attract the eye of those who are paying their first visit to a gym. Bulging arm muscles are great for attracting the ladies, and really super for getting respect from the guys that don't have them. You can tell when someone is really proud of their arm muscles if they cut off their sleeves to give them some "breathing room." Hey, what the heck. If you have them - flaunt them. If, on the other hand, you don't have any arm muscle mass to speak of, you'd best keep the arms covered until you can practice some muscle building exercises to build those muscles up for "show time."

In their quest to build up their muscles, a lot of beginners go off half cocked when selecting forearm muscle building exercises, and go about arm training all wrong. Using the wrong arm exercises will get you working out and sweaty, but it won't do much for your muscles. If you are really serious about building up huge arms, take the time to discover which arm exercises are the best.

Your arms have two main muscle groups: the biceps and the triceps, and of course the forearm muscles. The arm, although biologically complex, is a simple mechanical device. You need only one motion to work the biceps and triceps. Additional secondary arm muscle building exercises are also beneficial in providing some diversity in the challenges that you impose upon these muscles. The following exercises have historically proven to be the most beneficial to building up huge arm muscles. Remember, however, it's not only the exercise that's important, but also the frequency, the number of repetitions for each set, and the number of sets performed.

Working Biceps

Dumbbell Curls and Barbell Curls: Your biceps respond quickly to a pulling motion, making the standard curl the primary exercise for the biceps. The most effective formula for performing this exercise is three to four sets at around twelve reps per set. This in an ideal arm exercise for building muscle mass.

Hammer Curls: Perform this arm exercise using dumbbells. They focus upon working a different area of the biceps.

Reverse Curls: These curls simply use a reverse grip on the barbell to work a different area of the biceps.

Working Triceps

Close Grip Bench Press: This is recognized as a great exercise for building arm muscle. Using three to four sets at around twelve reps per set is a good routine for this exercise.

French Press (Skull crushers): This exercise is performed by holding a single dumbbell with both hands extended over your head, while sitting on a back-supported bench.

Tricep Kickbacks: This exercise is performed with dumbbells while kneeling on a bench with your back parallel to the floor. You kick your tricep back.

Cable Push-Downs: With this arm muscle exercise, you'll see significant gain. Use a V-shaped handle grip.

If you want to find more information about arm muscle exercises, Please click the muscle building program [http://www.aboutbuildmuscle.com/] named muscle gaining secrets. It is a proven program of step-by-step guide to help you gain more muscle mass. Read the muscle gaining secrets review [http://www.aboutbuildmuscle.com/Muscle-Gaining-Secrets-Review-Scam-Does-Muscle-Gaining-Secrets-Really-Work.html?id=61] for more.

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